Draft Night - Part 3

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Two weeks later.

Olivia sunk into the oversized leather seats of her massage chair as the gentle bubbles of her foot bath soothed away the aches in her feet.

"I needed this SO bad."

Olivia looked over to her left at her equally relaxed friend, nodding her head in agreement and smiling as her eyes fell upon Simone's growing baby bump. She was still relatively small, but the slight pudge was beginning to give itself away with each passing day.

The girls had met up early Saturday morning to get pampered for Olivia's ceremony later that night. Her, as well as two of her colleagues from GAU's paper The Daily Collegian, would be accepting awards at the ACP National College Media Convention based on articles they've written this year. It was a big day, to say the least, and Olivia wanted every thing to go well. It was the perfect button to close out her college career and hopefully all her hard work and achievements would give her an extra edge in the real world after completing her degree.

"So, are you excited for tonight, Miss National Pacemaker?"

Olivia grinned from ear to ear, blushing at the title. She truly felt overwhelming honor to be chosen for such a prestigious award with competition across the entire nation.

"Stop, you don't have to call me that. Miss Olivia Baker, Queen Of The Entire World will suffice."

Simone rolled her eyes, secretly loving the boss energy exuding from her friend.

"Okay, now! I see there's no humbling you today."

Olivia giggled. "Nope, not today! Well, there's one thing that's certainly going to rain on my parade. Walking in without a date."

Furrowing her eyebrows at her self induced bubble popping, Olivia lifted her feet out of the water once she seen her nail tech coming with her color choices.

"Ummm, I'll go with that one," she informed the young woman. She chose a classic white to match her French tips. As she proceeded with her pedicure, she grabbed her phone to see if anyone had texted her.

"I think it's insane that your boyfriend couldn't be here on one of the biggest nights of your life."

Simone, never one to hold her tongue or her opinions, glared down at her color choices before settling on a light lavender and handing it to her nail tech. After a polite smile, she directed her glare back to her friend. Like most of the people who have met Wade, she was not his biggest fan. Knowing that he bailed out once again was not doing any favors for his cause.

"Don't give me that look, girl. I know he should be coming, but he had a combine in Texas that we knew about way before my little award was even announced. It would be selfish to make him choose. Plus, these last two weeks have been really great for us. I don't see a need to blow up my relationship all over one night."

"That same combine that Spencer missed just to be here? Girl, please. You deserve to be selfish sometimes. He sure as hell doesn't mind when it's his turn to be selfish. These two weeks were nice, but what happens when he starts fucking up again?"

Olivia's eyes dropped to her phone at the mention of Spencer's name. Just for the hell of it, she opened their message thread just for confirmation that he had indeed not written her back in a week.

"Well. Spence isn't missing out for me, I know that much. I can't even get him to respond to any of my calls or texts. The last I heard, he was escorting Keisha to the event."

Simone watched her friend from the corner of her eye. If she didn't know any better, she would swear she detected a hint of jealousy.

"What's been up with you two, anyway? I haven't seen much of Spence since the last time you guys were over and you stormed out of the house."

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