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(A/N: hopefully you can see the image, it'll be referred to at some point during the chapter. By the way, the next chapter is the epilogue).

Jacob's P.O.V.

"You think I wouldn't find you?" Marcus asked. I had no time to retreat back to the other side of the room, it was too late. In one swift motion, Marcus balled up his hand and swung, nailing me right in the temple. I staggered back, straining to not see double, I cried out at the intense pain. I didn't know what to do, I was in so much pain. I felt myself falling and managed to come to the realization that Marcus had gotten me on the floor and was straddling me.

I could see the pure rage in his eyes as he pressed his thumb against my throat. "Fuck you" he cursed, "you really thought I wasn't going to find you?"

I gasped for the air I desperately needed, struggling to bring up a hand to block him. My chest was burning for oxygen, my lungs screaming for me to breathe, but I couldn't. I could hear voices from somewhere behind me, but I couldn't connect a face to any of them. My breathing was slowing down as hot tears spilled from my eyes.

"You can't get away from me that easily" Marcus spat, putting more force on my throat. "I spent years in prison because of you!"

My throat burned from the pressure of his thumb, and I was beginning to see spots of black in my peripheral vision. The only noise I could make was strangled gasps for air. "I see you finally lost some of that fucking weight". His hand moved from my throat and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized I could breathe again.

"M-Marcus" I choked out, my voice was raspy and it hurt when I spoke. "Don't h-hurt me, p-please".

"Begging isn't going to stop me, Jacob. You of all people should know that. Do you know how long I've been waiting to get out of prison so I can come back and hurt you for what you did?" I squirmed underneath him, wanting him off of him. "I came here to get my fucking revenge and I will, it was so nice of you to finally lose those pounds for me".

"It wasn't for you, you stupid bastard!" I grimaced at the pain in my throat, I felt his hands unbutton and unzip my pants, my body tensing at the action. "Marcus". He stood up, yanking me up with him and slammed me into the wall. I whimpered at the pain, I thought this wasn't going to happen to me. I thought he wasn't going to come back and hurt me, I was told this wasn't going to happen. My body shook with fear, I was too in shock and pain to fight him off, I couldn't do it even if I tried. He was muscular, so much stronger than I'd ever be.

"Shut up".

I couldn't stop the tears that were spilling from my eyes, my body aching from the rough contact. I tried grabbing at anything that could rid him of my body as he pulled me from the wall and threw me back on to to the floor. "Shut up!"

I whimpered at his tone of voice, crying out when I felt him grab a fist full of my hair. "Marcus" I choked out, I struggled underneath him, I clawed at his fingers to let go of my hair. He flipped me onto my stomach, roughly tugging down my pants. My hands worked to find his, but they were held down on the cold wood floor.

My breathing caught in my throat when I looked up. My eyes locking with familiar faces, I grimaced at the sight of Ms. Sylvia, Finley, and Alex. Why weren't they helping me? Why were they just standing there watching me go through this? I opened my mouth, crying for them to help me... But nothing came out. It was silent. I didn't understand. My eyes widened as they landed on another familiar face.


A satisfied grin was on his face, his eyes staring into my own. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, I was left staring at those dark brown eyes. The only sound I made was a scream when Marcus forced himself into me.

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