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Chresanto's P.O.V.

"They will not stop talking about it, Chres, I swear" Jacob stated, he shook his head a little. "They think it's the best thing in the world". 

I chuckled, "well maybe it is". I looked at him as we walked down C hall together, his week of suspension was finally over. 

"Yeah, maybe, I just wish they didn't act so.... Like that". 

"I think you're just embarrassed" I said to him. "I mean, you haven't dated anyone in a while, and they're just happy for you, because hey, I'm a pretty good guy". He laughed a little and nudged me, "oh, please, don't flatter yourself".

"I'm just sayin'" I replied.

"Okay, Chresanto, whatever you say".

I heard the minute bell ring, I looked at Jacob. "You're gonna be late" I said to him.

"But my class is right down the hall".

"But you're a slow walker".

"I am not a slow walker" he said as he poked me, "you're the slow walker".

"Am not, but go to class" I instructed, I pecked his lips and watched him begin to walk away. "Jacob, if you don't jog your ass down the hall".

"Chresanto, shut up, Im'ma get there". The late bell rang and I folded my arms over my chest. He turned around, "don't say shit".

"I told you, you should've jogged" I muttered.

"Chres, you're late too" he replied as I began to follow him to the main office to get a late pass.

"I'm aware" I stated.

"So you can't talk" he said simply.

"Okay, Jacob".


"Are you going to sit with your two friends today?" Ray asked as I stood in front of him and Elijah.

"Yes, I am" I replied, I sat down. "I'm taking a grape" I said as I took one of Elijah's grapes. I pulled a small bag of barbecue chips and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from my bag.

"You always manage to take some of my food when you have your own" Elijah stated.

I shrugged a little, "I know".

"Your friend is coming" Ray said to me. I turned around and saw Jacob, he didn't have anything but a water bottle. I was kind of disappointed because I now knew why. I watched him begin to pass by, I reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked at me.

"Sit somewhere else today" I offered.

He looked at Ray and Elijah, then at me. "What if they don't want me to sit here?"

"You can" Elijah answered.

"Yeah, ain't nobody stopping you" Ray added.

I pulled him over to the seat beside me and made him sit. "This is Rayan, and this is Elijah" I introduced. Jacob looked at them, "I'm, uh, Jacob".

"We're aware, Chresanto talks about you a lot" Elijah replied.

"I do not".

"Yes, you do" Ray answered.

I looked at Jacob, he was slowly twisting the top off his water bottle. "Is this true, Chresanto?" "No". He raised an eyebrow, "mhm, okay".

"You're flattering yourself again" I reminded.

"You're in denial again" he replied.

"I was never in denial. You were the one who was in denial, if I remember correctly".

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