Chapter 4: The First Gym Battle

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The team all headed inside the Gym, and Ruby spoke with the leader.

The team all headed inside the Gym, and Ruby spoke with the leader

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"Hello, I'm Ruby Rose. I'm wishing to challenge you for the Pokemon League."

Ruby's picture was then taken, and Viola said, "Sorry, I think that cape makes you look splendid! I just had to take a picture. As well as a gym leader, I take pictures of modelers. I have the greatest magazine series in Kalos. So, I just wanted a picture, if that's not too much for you."

"No, not really."

"Wait, you said Ruby Rose. As in, the Ruby Rose, international Champion?"

"Yes. I am." 

"Well, still going around the world, huh? Just don't expect me to go easy on you!"

"Oh, don't worry," said Ruby.

With the others......

"So, where are the weapons?" asked Neptune.

"Actually, they're battling with Pokemon," said Weiss.

"What are..... Poke Men?" asked Sun.

"You'll see," said Yang, "And it's Pokemon."

Ruby Rose is Challenged by Gym Leader Viola!

Viola sent out Surskit!

Viola sent out Surskit!

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"Wait, how did it fit inside that ball?" asked Sage.

"It's best not to think about it," said Blake.



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