Nerding Out cont.

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Y/n's POV:

I waited in the cafeteria for Maddie to come, if it's real, I didn't have to agree to talk to her and we would just go back to being rude to each other but I think it'll be better if we aren't actively going after one another. Right? this is good. Or it'll be good. We can be friends. But I should probably figure out why she's being nice all of the sudden.

"Hey Y/n, ready to go?" I turn around seeing Maddie with a few of her friends, including Kenzi, "Yeah I'm ready." I stand up and I wave at Kenzi and the other girl. "Wait you're in my math class right?" The girl asks and I look at her a little longer recognizing who it is.

"Yeah, I am I didn't recognize you for a sec." I laugh and so does she but stopped when turned around to look at her. Well, that was weird. "You guys have class together?" Maddie asks and we both nod, "Yeah we actually sit at the same group but we just don't talk right?" I turn to the girl and she nods.

"Okay, let's go." Maddie swiftly turns around followed by the girl and Kenize jumps to my side. "Are you and Maddie friends now?" She whispers to me and I shrug, "I don't know why?" I ask her and she tilts her head "Because she told me that you're going to her place and she rarely invites people over so I think she likes you." She smirks and my eyes widen.

"That's impossible, she's just mean to me so I highly doubt that she likes me." I scoff, "Well some people are mean as a way to flirt." She tells me and I just blink. "That is the dumbest thing I've heard, if you like someone why on earth would you be mean because then that makes the person think that you don't like them." I explain why being mean doesn't work when trying to get someone you like.

"So you're mean to Maddie because she's flirty mean to you?" Kenzie asks quietly as we slowly catch up to Maddie. "Yeah but now that you mention it I see it." My head drops. "Oh really now you see it?" She rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I do, because whenever she'd purposefully bump into me she'd wink or flip me off with smirk. So yes I see it." I look at Maddie who glances at me but quickly turns back around. "Are you going to do anything about it?" She asks, "Is there something I'm supposed to do?" I return the question.

"Well I mean I just pretty much told you that she has a thing for you and you're nerd ass brain but do you have a thing for her?" She adds more questions. "I don't know if I have thing for her but whatever it's fine as long as I don't get ambushed or something at her house we're going to be fine." I say. Both Kenzie and the other girl left leaving Maddie and me by her car.

"Come on hop in." She unlocks her car and I get in feeling uncomfortable, I don't know why I feel like this when it comes to new cars or ones that just aren't mine. "Music?" She offers and I nod, it's weirder now that we're alone, "How was the rest of your day?" I ask trying to make small talk.

"Oh it was good I had to warn my mom and my siblings that we'll have a guest but they won't bother us, um how was the rest of your day." She asks me as she drives with both hands on the wheel. "Mine was good too." I simply as although I was thinking about what could happen the second I step into her home.

The rest of the ride was quiet which I didn't mind, either of us could throw a snarky comment that might make the car blow up. We pull into a nice-looking neighborhood, just slightly bigger than my own. "Looks like it'll be just us." She whistles parking into an empty garage.

Oh sweet heavens, we're going to be alone. Like alone- alone. "Usually I have the rest of my siblings to deal with but that's not the case today." She smirks getting out of her car, why did she smirk? Does that smirk mean something? I should've just left with Jenna. Come on, keep your cool.

I get out following her upstairs and I take off my shoes before stepping onto the carpet, it's good house etiquette. "This is a really nice house." I mention seeing the abundance of rooms and a pool in the back, "Thanks, I think it's a really nice house too." She smiles letting her two front teeth show.

It's nice seeing her smile instead throwing a middle finger at me with her tongue out. "This is my room." She says opening the door and I get met with lightsabers, posters, and a few action figures. My mouth hangs open as I walk inside looking at her collectibles.

"Do you believe me now?" She asks referring to earlier when I commented on how she wants to talk about nerd stuff with me. "I believe you now, not that I didn't believe before." I roll my eyes playfully and she just shakes her head landing on her bed.

I kept walking around feeling her eyes on me and I see the stacks of Marvel DVD set, does she even have a DVD player? "Like em?" I glance at her seeing her prop herself up on her elbows and I nod, "Love it. You sure do have a lot more than me." I walk over to her bed sitting beside her.

"Really? You are such a nerd." She scoffs laying back down and my jaw drops. "Excuse me, it looks like you're a bigger nerd than men." I lay down and our arms touch. "How dare you." She squints her eyes and I hold my hands up, "You're defiantly a bigger nerd like hello." I start pointing to everything that is a little nerdy.

We kept going back and forth between our bicker on who is the bigger nerd taking quizzes and official tests to see who hold the most knowledge. I won. Because I'm good like that. We bounced from topic to topic so easily, it flowed well and it felt like everything that was between us in the past if there was anything, just vanished.

I liked it, a lot and I hate to admit it. I like hearing her talk about the things that I like. Jenna would get a kick out of this. "What about you team Cap or team Iron man?" She rolls onto her back scooting up so that her face is underneath mine as I lay on my stomach.

"Team cap, I don't want the government to control what I do and when I can save people are you kidding." I poke her forehead and she smiles, I hope my breath is fine, it'd be fucking embarrassing if it doesn't. "Okay yeah that's fair." She says and I nod, "Exactly, my turn if you could have anyone spiderman's powers for a day what would be the first thing you do?" I ask.

"I would probably crawl everywhere I can maybe try to sneak into a place that I shouldn't be. I think that would be really cool. What about you?" She makes eye contact with me, "I would try to recreate that huge sign that Andrew did, I think that would be so badass." I tell her.

"You want to do the 'I love you' sign?" She questions and I nod, "Yeah why not, I mean it doesn't have to be 'I love you' but I would totally cover the side of bridge like that." I look down and I get a slight tingly feeling as she looks back at me, it was silent between us but I couldn't look away from her blue eyes.

"MADDIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" We both shot up at the voice breathing heavily, "Shit, that's my sister." Maddie looks at climbing off her bed fixing her hair, "I should probably go." I clear my throat then grab my backpack and follow her out of her room. "Do you want me to give you ride?" She asks and I shake my head.

"It's okay, I don't think my house is that far anyway." I say before seeing who I assume is her sister, "Hi." I wave at the girl and she waves back, "I was just leaving." I tell her and she nods, "I see, I'm McKenzie by the way." She introduced herself. "I'm Y/n L/n." I quickly tell her my name and I feel Maddie slowly tug me towards her.

"So." She pauses and I step out of her front door, "So." I trail on, "Do you think we can do this again?" She asks then I smile. "Yeah, I'd love that." I watch her smile grow on her face, "I can't wait then, I'll see you later nerd." She gives me a small wave. "I'll see you later nerd." I tease the last word and she blushes stepping out then I feel a kiss land on my cheek.

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