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Everything had been revealed, Everyone know the truth. Rei looks at Inko and slaps her. Inko was shocked.

Rei: How dare you abuse Izuku!!

Inko: I'm sorry!!

Rei: Don't say sorry to me. Say it to Izuku.

Nezu then spoke and said that the Yagi parents are will be dropped by 60%.For Izumi, Katsuki and Katsumi wll lose hero recommendations and will wear quirk cancellations except Shoto.

Toshinori: What!! Nezu, you can't do that!

Nezu: Yes I can, be grateful that I can't remove your and Inko's Hero license cause the world needs All might and Emerald.

With the Bakugos

Mitsuki: You brats why did you go do that?

Katsuki: He was a weak loser and should die!

Mitsuki slaps Katsuki so hard, there is a mark on his cheek.

Mitsuki: How dare you say that about Izuku. You know what, you and your sister are grounded for 2 years and you are getting a big punishment.

Katsumi: What no!

Masuru yell at her to shut up and that they are going home. The Bakugo family were shocked cause they never seen Masaru get mad.The Bakugo family left the Yagi house.

Aizawa, Nemuri, Hizashi, Enji, Rei and Nezu were scolding them that they are bad parents and they left the Yagi house.

They Yagi family were sad but mad at Izuku for ruining their lives.

Toshinori, Inko and Izumi: (Why did that useless brat/deku talk. Once we find him, he is so dead.)

Their faces made a grin and it was terrifying. The next day, Nezu got Aldera Junior School staff arrested, the students of the school were blacklisted from all the hero schools. The Todorokis, Bakugo parents and The UA staff stopped talking to Toshinori, Inko, Izumi, Katsuki and Katsumi. The Bakugo twins were beaten by their parents and they sworn that once they see him again, they would kill them for ruining their lives. Izuku's Uncle and Aunts tried to find Izuku but they couldn't find him.

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