The Sports Festival Begins Part 1

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Nezu decided to give the students, a few days off to recover from what happened at the USJ. Izuku was training his quirk.

Mini Timeskip

The class were talking about the events that happened at the USJ. The class were wondering if they would get a substitute teacher. Soon Midoriya told everyone that Aizawa was coming. The class went to their seats, soon the door opened to reveal an injured Aizawa.

Aizawa: Hello class.

Lida: Sensei, are you okay?

Aizawa: My well-being is non of your concern. Just to tell that the fight is not over.

Class 1A: ( More villains)

Aizawa: The sports Festival is coming up.

Jirou: Wait, Is it okay to host the Sports Festival after a villain attack?

Aizawa: The school thinks that this is a good way to show that the situation is under control and the school is safer that ever.

Aizawa explains about the sports festival.

Momo: This could be our chance to be scouted by Pro heroes.

Aizawa: That's right. Don't slack off your training.

The class: Yes sir!!

The class lefts the classroom and saw students blocked their paths.

Mineta: Hello guys again, how are you guy?

Izuku: Hi Mineta, how is the General Studies department?

Mineta: It is good. I heard that if you win the sports festival, you can move in the hero course. So I will steal one of you spots in the hero course.

Soon someone with gray hair was yelling.

???: I am from the class next door, we heard that fight villains, so you think you are better than us!!

Katsuki and Katsumi were calling them extras and etc... The other classes got mad.

The class was scared that they would lose their spot and were telling the bakugo twins that doing that will makes worse.

A montage shows the class training for the festival.

Next Day

With Class 1A

They are preparing themselves for the tournament. Katsuki walked to Izuku.

Katsuki: You Dammed Nerd, I will win the sports festival and prove that I am better that you. So no holding back, Deku.

Kirishima stopped Katsuki and told him to calm down.

Izuku: Okay guys. Let's show them what we are made of.

Everyone: Yeah!!

They walked out and Present Mic introduced the classes. Soon Midnight came on stage. Many guys blasted from her revealing outfit. Midnight cracked her whip.

Midnight: Silence! Now will Katsuki Bakugo come to the stage and give a speech.

Izuku and Shoto: (I have a bad feeling about this.)

Katsuki: I'm just going to say, I going to win.

The class: ( I know, he was going to say something like that.)

The crowd of students were mad, they all thought of one thing. They will not let Class 1A win. Soon a wheel appeared on a screen.

Midnight: Ok. For the first event is the Obstacle Course. A 4km race around the stadium and the first 49 students will advance to the next round.

Everyone look at the entrance, where the students were going to race.

Midnight: Are you guys ready?

The students get ready.

Midnight: 3...2...1.... Go!!!

Shoto freezes the ground, making the students stuck. Izuku used his quirk like a rocket and flees out of the trapped students, he sees some of his classmates have managed to free themselves.

Katsuki, Katsumi and Izumi: You two, how dare you look down on us!!

Izuku and Shoto looked at each other. They ignored them and move on. Mineta tried to attack Shoto and Izuku but a robot hit him. The zero pointers arrived.

Momo: Are those the zero pointers from the entrance?

Izuku: Yes, there are.

A three pointer ran to Izuku, he shot a fireball at the robot. The students started to destroy the robots. Shoto freezes one of the zero pointers and it broke into pieces. It fell and make a pile of scrap. Students were panicking about someone was crashed by the pieces of metals. Sounds were coming from the rebel then Kirishima busted out of the rebel.

Kirishima: That was so wrong!!

Soon someone who was covered in Metal busted of the rebel and he was screaming.

Testutestu: Class 1a are just the worst!!

With Izuku

He was using some metal from the robots to move the bombs in one spot. He took a piece of metal and slammed on the bombs. It made a giant explosion and Izuku was flying high in the air to the finish line. Izumi saw this and used her quirk to make herself float. She and the Bakugo twins tried to get to the finish line before Izuku. They made a plan to make Izuku fall from the board and land to the ground hard. Katsumi and Izumi got blown away but Katsuki used his explosion and made it to the finish line.

Izuku: ( That idiot!! He has no idea what's going to happen. Ha ha ha!!)

All might and Emerald were happy that Izuku didn't made it in first place. Izuku arrived in second place and Shoto came in third. Izumi and Katsumi came in Fifth and sixth place. They were angry that they didn't get higher than they already are. Izuku just gave a smirk at the girls and the Yagi parents were disappointed at Izumi for not getting higher than Izuku. The rest of the students arrived.

Midnight: Ok. The the first 44 students will continue in the second round.

Midnight then explained about the points.

Midnight: Ok. First place is One million points!!

Izuku and Shoto grinned while the other students looked at Katsuki. They planned to take his points. Katsumi and Izumi were worried for Katsuki.

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