Chapter 2

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Weekends are always so nice. While others at my school are off partying, hooking up or traveling. I like to spend my time with Victor, we have our own great adventures. One time we snuck into this older abandoned castle and stayed there for a few days. Well it took us the whole weekend to arrive and then we stayed three days. Of course Mila and my parents were worried but Victor would never let anything bad happen to me. They know this too so I can not ever tell you why they worry about me so much. I swear sometimes I think they act as if he is not even real, it is truly rude since he is always around.

"What are you in heavy thought about?" Victor gazed into my soul.

"Simply trying to think of what I would like to put in my new chapter for my book. It is not easy you know. Takes a lot of brain and dedication." I spoke softly and smiled.

"Are you implying I would not understand, Love?"

"No not at all, just that some things require more attention than others."

"Others being me?" He smirked and got closer.

I rolled my eyes and carefully shoved him away with a gentle giggle. He is such a flirt with me although I have informed him I can not be his girlfriend just yet. Something I like is his and mine consistent friendship, it makes me feel like I have this security in my life. He is tempting I dare say.. his black well cut hair, green mysterious eyes and a jawline so sharp like a blade cutting through your heart. His body build is such a tease, he wears suits and nice clothes to form his tone. His pale skin radiates and smooth to the touch. He is everything you could desire. He is the main character I would most likely write in my books, the handsome mysterious man who somehow saves the day. Although my book characters are not real, Victor is. So. Very. Real.

"Haven't you forgotten to do something my love?" Victor sat in a chair, his legs lifted on my desk crossed and his hands together as if he was my father.

I strain my mind for a few seconds to make sense of his words, confessing to him that I do not know.

"Mila asked you to call at 9..yesterday." He motioned his eyes to my phone.

MILA! Oh my goodness she is going to kill me! I gasp a little as I reach for my phone only to see 40 missed calls, 75 texts, and 5 emails. Ironic it would be my best friend to kill me, rather than my almost vampire boyfriend. I have not checked my phone since I got off school yesterday, I was so busy with my book and Victor.

Phone dialing...


"Mila I am so sorry. I was caught up in my book and Victor, I honestly spaced from time."

I hear Mila give an angry but relieved sigh. I know I lost track of time but this is not abnormal of me, why is she so upset?

"Just glad you are safe.. I will see you at school on Monday." Mila hung up.

Phone call ended

None of what she says or does makes any sense sometimes, she treats me like I am a helpless baby. I know I am not social but that does not mean I am getting into trouble constantly. Victor would never approve of any behavior anyhow, he would lecture me on morals and responsibility. How noble of him.

Next day..

It's Sunday sadly, the weekend has flown by thus far. Weekends are my only time with Victor since he does not follow me to school. He says he will go anywhere but there, dare say I would blame him. It is not a place I would choose to go either, work sucks and the teens are brutal. Along with the trouble of him being a vampire. I suppose I should tell you how I met him, might help you understand him.

Ever since I can remember Victor has always been by my side, we basically grew up together. As kids it never dawned on me to ask where he was from or where his parents were. We would just play outside when it was dark out, he told me he was allergic to the sun. I lived in a run down trailer park so sneaking outside at night was no big thing, and parties happened a lot so if we were accidently loud no one heard us. I remember the first time he told me the truth about him being a vampire, it was actually sweet. I was 12 at the time and growing more curious about him and why I never saw his parents or family. I thought maybe he was homeless so one day I saved two meals for him and I. More like I made us turkey sandwiches and chips. When I offered him the food, he rejected it. I at first was a little upset, wondering why he would not take it. Butthurt if you will. But as he saw me get upset he took my hand and jumped up towards the sky. We practically flew! I held onto him tight by the waist and he caught the top of a tree in my yard. At the top he proceeded to explain he was a vampire, alone and mesmerized by me and how kind I am to him. That explained why he never wanted to hang out during the day and why he would not eat the food, along with other things I had caught on over the years.

Victor and I have not left each others side since, we have grown closer and closer after that day. He is my first and only crush, I do like him a lot. I have to consider the fact he is a vampire and I am human, how could that relationship ever work out? And yes I have watched twilight, nothing even close to what could happen. Victor said the movies were offensive to him but he enjoyed laughing at them and how well they did try and portray vampires and werewolves. Yes werewolves are real too, Victor just said only a couple remain just like he is one of the last of his kind.

"Elise, I want to try something." Victor stumbled in his words.

"Alright well hit me with it."

He stood up from the chair slowly walking over to me as I sat on the edge of my bed, he looked almost scared. Frankly so was I, he is sometimes unpredictable.. Is he going to bite me? Kill me? No no he would never hurt me, ever. I trust him.

"Just stay still for me." He whispered.

His arms landed on both sides of me, he leaned into my neck ever so slowly. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he will bite me! My heart is racing, sweat is building up in my palms, and somehow I am almost happy he is this close to me. I am breathing heavily as I feel his lips touch my skin and release a small sound when he lifts himself up. He did not bite me.. he kissed me. Well my neck but that is better than my lips I suppose. Still in the position of bent over me, we lock eyes. His wonderful and rapidly charming eyes.

"Can I continue?" He asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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