No Choices

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"Why can't I simply give the sword to Arthur? Proclaim that I had a vision from God and all that?" I asked Uther over breakfast in the morning. He had summoned me to join him for a private meal, but I'd insisted Kat attend with me. I wasn't about to be separated from her.

Of course, Uther had Isabella at his side. It was clear that they were inseparable. I wondered what she'd do when he died. He looked pale, and I could tell he'd recently lost weight and lost it quickly; his tunic was ill-fitting. But his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes shined with alertness.

His eyebrows lifted as he focused on me. "Have you had such a vision?"

I contemplated lying. I probably should have, but I didn't. "No... not quite. I did dream about Arthur being king, though."

Uther sipped his juice, prepared fresh for Kat's and my benefit. "Hmm. Well, it would be convenient if you'd had one, but being untruthful wouldn't be the best course of action with the Church."

I sighed as my shoulders slumped. This is a nightmare! "So... what now? Do you really mean to make me the ruler?"

"I see no way out of this, Patrick."

I pushed the food around on my plate. Patrick, I lamented the use of the wrong name. This is so fucked up! "Is there any way the stone could be wrong?"

Uther wheezed, and Isabella patted his arm. He coughed into his napkin and, when he pulled it away, I spied a speckling of blood. I shot Kat a side-long glance and leaned close to her to whisper, "Turbercleousis?" Kat nodded.

It was painful to witness. I'd heard of it and knew it was a coughing disease, but not a lot more. I was glad to see the physician approach with his medicine, though I was skeptical it helped. At least it wasn't some stupid arsenic compound or some such. It probably wasn't much more than a natural cough suppressant, but at least he had that. I wondered how much longer he had to live. Not long, I concluded, if he was concerned about his throne.

When the spell had passed, Uther stated, "No. It was a magical test. The only thing that could change the proper outcome is equally powerful but evil magic." He paused, catching my attention. "I can assure you we would take all the necessary steps to rid ourselves of such magic." He threw his napkin down. "No, the sword and the stone was a valid test: only the man who is to rule England could pass it.

Shit, I cursed. How are we going to get out of this?

Feeling defeated, a wave of homesickness washed over me. I missed my friend, 'Nita, who I hadn't seen since before we moved in with Beatrice. I hadn't drawn in what felt like months. I knew that Kat had to be missing her crew, too. Even in the new school, she had begun to be in with the popular crowd.

I sighed and played with my food, trying to work things out in my head. A solution was not coming to mind. I was stuck and becoming more and more trapped by the minute.



Dear Lord and Lady, please help Pat keep her mouth shut, I shouted in my head. "Well, brother, it looks like you're going to be King." I grinned and tried to lighten the mood. It fell flat.

Uther shifted in his Chair. "To that end, we need to discuss a few things."

Pat's eyebrows lifted. "Oh?"

"Yes. First, there's the matter of your rank. You will be knighted, of course."

Pat's eyes grew wide. "A knight? But, I don't know how to fight!"

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