Putin gets challenged!

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It's been 8 hours now and Putin hasn't stopped testing the flexibility of elastic girl, while many people believe that it's impossible to go on continuously for 8 hours and believe it as a myth, it's a common thing for Putin to be in action for that period. The cold of Russia and serving in the army half of his life has made his physique stiff as ironstone. While Putin is relentlessly throbbing his manhood into the resilient cunt of Elastic girl with a straight face, Elastic girl has rolled up her eyes to a point that the pupils aren't visible anymore, she groans lawlessly and with each pounding, she rises her curved proportions towards the sky. Overall, it looked like she was enchanted by the spirits of the goddess in Kamasutra's, while a Rhino whacks her with his horn. It all looked never-ending till the guards outside the office started screaming in agonizing pain and then all the screaming suddenly stopped leaving the whole office in a distressful tranquility. Putin turned his head slightly towards the door and stopped thrusting. As footsteps started approaching towards the door Putin was turning with those in synchronicity. Finally, the footsteps stop, and then suddenly the door shatters and is smashed into smithereens. There is smoke all over the place and as the fog of dust slowly starts to clear, the shadow of a humongous man in red latex suit starts to appear, his eyes are as red as his suit and he is furious as a bull. As he proceeds towards Putin who is unaffected by all this and is still standing like a mountain, an unforeseen grin appears on Putin's face, and instead of backing up from that angry quadruped beast whose intention was to wreck the life out of his flesh, he instead spreads his arms and welcomes him like he saw an old friend. As he finally stands in front of him it turns out that that beast is none other than Mr. Incredible, the husband of Elastic girl, just when Putin tries to hug him, furious Mr. Incredible lands a deadly blow on Putin's jaw tossing his stark-naked body to the other side of the room and proceeds to untie completely exhausted Elastic girl, who was tied by stretching her legs and hands. As Mr. Incredible starts to walk away with Elastic girl in her arms, A voice comes from the rubble of stones, says "After all these years, you've become rusty.", Mr. Incredible is shocked by the fact that how on earth a mere mortal being is still alive by that deadly hook which even beasts couldn't handle. As he turns to process what the hell just happened Putin sucker punches Mr. Incredible on his gut and trips him on the floor, Elastic girl is rolled away to the other side of the room. Putin gets on top of Mr. Incredible and starts landing unending and fatal blows on his face and completely fucks up his Greek godly face, and while getting smacked, Mr. Incredible says "after all these years of being your war dog and killing thousands of people on your command, this is what I get! YOU FUCKING MY WIFE!!", and is still confused on how he can't push Putin with his superpowers. Mr, Incredible asks "How is this possible? I can't understand!". Putin grins with his bloodied mouth and says "You still don't know. Do you?", "I made you in a laboratory, and everything special about you came out of a test tube and you have my blood in your veins!", Mr. Incredible stops resisting and asks him "So does this mean you are my Daddy?". Putin smiles and nods his head with a cheerful face and says "Yes, you are!!". Mr. Incredible gets up and walks towards the already ruined meeting table and lays his chest on the table while bending and dropping his pants, and prepares himself to get the love from his "daddy" he always deserved but never had.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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Putin tests that elastic pussyWhere stories live. Discover now