
18 0 0

(Y/n) POV


One. Step. Two. Jump. Step. Three. Step. Four. Step-

I look up and pull my scarf around my neck, tighter, watching the flurries of snow fall in front of me. It started snowing again. I exhaled and watched the puff of breath escape from my mouth. I shivered, the snowflakes kissing my face before I look back to the ground.

It's so cold and yet, here I am following these footprints in the snow. Their stride is long and brisk, the mysterious snowprints. I wonder who they belong to, not that it matters. They'd often slow down when crossing a street, their feet would drag at certain points. Someone walked fast, or was always in a hurry. Definitely was in some sort of hurry. There's only one line of them too.

At some point, I'm going to have to stop following these footprints. They're going to lead to someone's place or something and think I'm stalking them. "Lordy, can't have people thinking that I'm one of those." I whispered to myself. No stalker vibes from me.

I pulled my scarf over my mouth and nose, hoping that it would make me less cold. The fluff of the scarf made me feel better, but the edges where snow piled up nipped at my nose. I'm cold either way. I shake my head to myself and stop at a crosswalk. The footprints aren't done, but they're longer strides. They have long legs, tall, large feet.

I wait for the person walking to show up, then make my way across. The snow grows heavier and it's getting harder to follow the footprints as they begin to disappear under the new snow. "Please no. I made it so far." I pray to the snow gods to stop covering the footprints, though it's not working. I just want to see where they end up.

Across a couple more interactions, they stop. They stop at a small house, away from most of the busy city, on the corner of a beginning neighborhood. Now it definitely looks like I'm stalking. I stand there for a bit, frozen and cold. I feel like I can't move, but I pull my hands up to my face and blow hot air into them in hopes to warm myself up some. It doesn't really work and the snow falls harder.

I pull out my phone, ringing up my friend. They don't answer. Fuck. I look at my phone which is covered in snowflakes and drops of melted flakes. Wiping most of it off, I shive it into my pocket and hope that the taxis are still in commute. They might not be since it's so late, and the snow is piling on the roads. And the fact that I'm not really in city bounds anymore.

I sighed. I really don't want to go up to the mystery footprint's home and knock on their door. I would hate that. Then again, if nothing happens within the next 10 or so minutes, I'm going to have to. I'm desperate to get out of the cold. My fingers, nose, and toes already feel numb as fuck and I feel lightheaded. I absolutely hate the cold.

I always got like this in the cold. Always getting lightheaded and passing out. It was something that my body didn't like, especially if I was out for too long. I lifted my hands to my face, only to drop them instantly after hearing the door of the house open. I tried to move to the corner of the street, but that didn't happen.

I heard the footsteps walking out, crunching beneath the snow. Each was a different crunch, or I'm starting to hear things. They spoke up, "Who are you and why are you in front of my house?"

I opened my mouth, sounding out of breath with each word, apologizing profusely, and blacking out shortly after. I don't remember much of what I said, but I remember apologizing a ton after saying what I said. Of course I passed out now, my body heat was beginning to not exist.

I wonder if they called 911 and had them take me to a hospital, or if they panicked and left me there to freeze to death. I wouldn't blame them if they chose to do that, I was creepily standing in front of their house. I don't even know if anything I said made sense, before I apologized and passed out.

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