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Izuku POV


I watched the girl in fascination as I brought all the candles I had into the living room. After that, I grabbed all the flashlights I had, then went back to my room and the closet to bring more blankets to the living room. I had a feeling we were going to camp out there in the meantime.

Once finished with everything, I grabbed a charger or two, turned on the TV to the news and placed some blankets on the couch and the rest stayed on the floor.

The weather woman, using her quirk to tell the upcoming weather for the week said it like it is. The snow will not let up anytime soon and it's not going to stop tomorrow either. The snow is also going to keep most people inside. Kacchan and Todoroki must be the only ones I know that would be out doing hero work and not stuck at home like me.

Speaking of Kacchan, he texted earlier. I wonder if he said anything back.

"Who's Kacchan and Todoroki?" The girl spoke, her eyes focused on the TV.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"You were mumbling." She said, looking away from the TV and at me.

"Oh! Um. S-sorry. They're just f-friends of mine." I nervously choked out and she nodded, though it seemed more to herself. "Todoroki is actually his.. last name.. so here it would be. Shouto?" I questioned, talking to myself mostly. I didn't answer her about Kacchan because she dropped it.

She nodded again, quieting a bit and turning her focus back to the TV. "Do you have a quirk?" She asked in curiosity. I don't even think she knows who I am. She's a real stranger, like she says I am. I nodded a couple times before sitting down on the sofa away from her. "Your English is really good too." She mumbled, as if she's trying not to be rude.

I chuckled a little, "I do have a quirk, and I am a Japan hero," I started, my confidence slowly building again. I was nervous about moving far away from home, so my nerves as if I was a kid again unused to U.A. High and it's standards. I thought I got better at being a nervous wreck, but sometimes I can still be stutter-y, as I've learned recently. "A-and thank you." I quietly said.

She turned to me with those eyes filled with wonder as they glistened in the candlelight. The power flickered again and the curious eyes were fearful of the darkness. The lights finally stayed darker and the TV went out, the lady's last words were to stay inside tonight and tomorrow. I brought our already lit candle over to us as to hope (Y/n) is not scared.

I lit another few candles to light up the living space and then another few for the kitchen area. I looked at her sadly, the anxious look is evident from her curling into the blanket. She sneezed rubbing her nose after she ducked further into the blanket. "I am a multi-quirk user. I have multiple. I was one of Japan's top heroes." She looked over, that curious look in her eyes was back. "Do you have a quirk?" I asked and her eyes saddened a bit.

"It's dumb." She mumbled quietly. Her eyes averted immediately after and watched the window, snow blowing about. "I can mimic sounds, it's not loud and it doesn't go any further than like 10 feet. It's called mimic echo. Definitely not hero worthy, just enough to make a living selling sound effects." She said, her face red from embarrassment. 

"That's really cool." I was genuine, though she shook her head. "You can mimic any sound?"

"If I've heard it before, yeah. In real life, the mimic only lasts a few minutes, so that's why it's useful to record it. I can't mimic sounds if they're on tv or through a recording." She explained. "They can only be sounds I've heard in real life."

"I mean it, that's really cool. That'd be useful on a few hero missions."

"It's not enough to be a hero though. I just work making sound effects for people's videos and movies and stuff. I don't get paid much, just enough to live." She said.

"Where do you live?" I asked, thinking of also getting her back home when this blizzard isn't bad.

"I live an hour and a half away from here, but I travel into the city for work." She said, holding the blanket closer to her. "I don't do recordings at home. I go into a studio. I get to use the studio for free and get paid by the audio clip and how long it is, which my longest is about 5 minutes, but I get overly exhausted if I push myself any further."

"You're probably further away then, hm?" I ask, going to sit next to her on the couch, but still far enough away from her to not make her uncomfortable. "I'm about 30 minutes of a drive away from the city, so you're probably 2 hours away in the opposite direction."

She nods, watching out the window. There's silence between us and you only hear the wind outside of the window filling the silence. I go to look at her, taking away her dirty mug to wash it and see that she's asleep. I let out a sigh and go to wash the mug, thinking about staying up a little longer. The lights flicker on and the TV starts up again, the weather still playing on the TV. I plug up my phone and watch as it blows up with messages, from the American remote heroes and the heroes just located in America wondering if anyone is safe.

I text back that I'm safe and have a civilian that I'm taking care of, looking over Todoroki's and Kacchan's messages as well, while I have the chance. Kacchan texted asking if I was home, that's all he said. I texted back that I was and that a strange girl passed out in front of my house. Kacchan called, I answered. "THE FUCK YOU MEAN PASSED OUT?" I pulled the phone away from my ear, wincing in pain at how loud he was.

"Kacchan, she's okay. She's staying with me right now." I explained, trying to calm him.

"You're picking up stray dogs, like you always do, Deku." He does a 'tch' after saying that, though his voice is more quiet now.

"S-stray dogs?" I look over to the girl and make sure she's still sleeping, to which she is. The lights flicker a little, but they stay on. "Anyways, you're safe? The heroes that are cold in nature are staying out to stop villains and keep others safe."

"Yeah, I'm safe, in my own damn house. Gotta go." He grumbled and hung up. I heard noise from the couch and watched as (Y/n) woke up from her short nap, a grumble noise came from her stomach.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and she sleepily nodded. I opened my fridge, while I could, and started cooking a meal for two, something small but something with the food that'll go bad if I don't use it.

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