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Izuku POV:


The following day, the snow was not letting up. (Y/n) was sleeping in, on the couch, with the light talking of the new reporter in the background. A full two days have already passed between her passing out on the sidewalk to now. Her soft breaths, peaceful face, sleeping soundly on the couch as if she hasn't been disturbed a day in her life. I crouched down near her sleeping form, the lights flickering softly. Thank goodness she's not awake to freak out about that.

I held a breath when she tossed, a blush creeping it's way up my neck. She opened her mouth and let out a deep breath and I released my own after realizing she wasn't going to wake up. It's a little past noon, so even if she still sleeps, it's okay. The past few days have been rough for both of us, but I think they've been rough for her the most.

She did pass out on the sidewalk in front of my house. My phone rang from across the room causing me to jump a little from the abrupt noise, but I sprang to my feet and stumbled over quickly to answer it in hopes she wouldn't wake up.

"Midoriya, I heard from Bakugo that you took a stranger into your home?" It was Todoroki and I softly laughed.

I talked to him for a little bit, my phone luckily fully charged. I carefully watched over her as I chatted back and forth with Todoroki. It seems he's staying with those winter heroes and they're getting along pretty well. It's been almost an hour of catching up, I was surprised when Todoroki wanted to talk about his missions. That's certainly a Kirishima or Kaminari thing.

"Hey- I'll chat later." I spoke quietly into the phone and Todoroki hung up first. (Y/n) sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, mumbling to herself about being cold and pulling up the blankets more. "Are you hungry?" I asked and she perked up, then relaxed.

"I forgot I was staying here, to be honest." She turned away from me and got up, going around the couch and picking up her cup, getting a fresh glass of water.

"卵があります." (Tamago ga arimasu.) I said, not realizing I had spoken Japanese.

"What?" Her face blanked.

"Sorry! Ah crap, that came out naturally. I'm not used to speaking English yet. I said that I have eggs, like I can make them." I chuckled nervously, heading to the fridge to pull some out. I started cooking.

"Oh! I didn't mean to- be rude about that. I was just taken back from hearing it.." She trailed off and sat herself down at the counter. "What's egg again?"

"Uh, egg is 卵." (Tamago.) I continued, not looking at her and watching the eggs so they don't burn, grabbing some bread to toast them.


"Yes! はい!" (Hai!) I replied with a smile, turning to look at her, then back to the food, finishing only a moment after.

"Is that, yes? I've heard that in anime before." She expressed, a plate placed in front of her along with the toast and the egg I dumped onto her plate. I did the same, but put my eggs on my toast.

"Indeed it is. はい means yes." I nodded and we both ate in silence.


The evening was quick to come, I offered another meal but she only declined to which I agreed, it's only been a couple hours. We ended up watching some movies to take a break from the news since every single channel was covering the snow. I'm lucky that the snow doesn't seem to be piling up and covering the window to make it even worse if either of us were to go over there and watch out.

"I remember when I was a kid, we'd have these large quilted blankets and we'd put them against the window to keep the cold out and the heat in." She spoke, looking out the window. I let out a breath and watched her, she was so close to me. She had held onto my arm during one of the movies that was on the scarier side and hasn't really let go of my side through the next movie. I'd understand her not wanting to move since it's probably warm now.

And she's warm to me.. so.. I won't move until she does. But I will snap my head away when she looks at me, expecting a response, and feel the blush creeping back up my neck. I won't deny that she's pretty. "We never did that." Was all I could answer back.

"Our house was pretty badly insulated and we didn't have the kind of money to spend on that plastic to tape around our windows and blow dry until it was tight." She paused. "Plus.. I always wanted to still look out the window at the snow." Her voice got quiet and she closed her eyes, letting out a breath.

"Do you miss home?" I asked, blurting it out before I could take it back.

She froze and her breath hitched. The silence went on for a little longer than I thought it would, lasting 5 minutes, or maybe more? I couldn't keep track. I looked at her and she had leaned into me more which caused the already formed blush on my cheeks to darken to a redder red than a previous pink. "I think.. I don't miss my childhood home. It was states away." She tucked her hair behind her ear with her free hand.

"Do you miss your current home?" I had asked again without meaning to pry to much, cursing to myself in my head. She feels bothered, but her breath releases and she relaxes even further into my side.

"Of course. my bed is comfortable and my room is.. me. But it's not as nice and tidy as your place so I'm not as upset as I was a few days ago." She spoke softly, looking up and meeting my gaze. I was already staring at her like an idiot, and somehow I couldn't look away when she looked at me.

Time seemed to slow as the sun went down, allowing the golden rays to shine through the blinds and change into a moonlit shadow.

"Do you miss home?" She spoke up, not tearing her eyes away from my own. It felt like she was looking straight into my soul. She let out a breath and tugged on my arm. "Earth to Izuku?" I blinked slowly and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Yeah. I miss home. I miss my mom a lot, and everyone I work with, since I went to school with everyone." I spoke at the same softness as her. She smiled at me and reached up with her free hand, ruffling my green hair. Her own (hair color) hair falling in her face just slightly. My eyes softened, I didn't mind her touching my hair. It was a comforting feeling, one of nostalgia.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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