Chapter 4

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Arthur Sakho

I was between Alyssa and Emma. We sat on the floor just outside the dressing rooms and shared a bag of trail mix. We had been given an hour between rehearsal and our performance. That wasn't really enough time to go out anywhere. Mack came out of the dressing room. He came and sat in front of me when he saw us. He grabbed a handful of nuts and dried fruit and popped them in his mouth.

"Any of you have any hot dates I can live vicariously through?" he asked.

Alyssa and Emma leaned forward to exchange a glance in front of me since I was blocking their view of each other.

"Art had a date not that long ago," Emma volunteered.

"The one that told him to never contact him again? Yeah, I heard about that. And if it doesn't end well, it's not exactly a hot date I can live vicariously through now is it?"

Alyssa frowned at him, but Emma put a finger on her lips as she tried to come up with a hot date Mack could live vicariously through. Finally she dropped her head sadly onto my shoulder and said, "I haven't had a date in too long."

"Me neither," Alyssa said.

"I hear that," Mack said. "No time really. I don't know how Arthur finds time to date random people let alone sustain his relationship with his boyfriend."

I almost shrugged my shoulder, but didn't want to disturb Emma who still had her head on my shoulder so instead I said, "I usually call Trevon right before I go to bed so I always have the time for that. And I don't date other people often. I don't really know how it happens either."

I grabbed another handful of the trail mix.

"Speaking of wanting to live vicariously through your relationships," Mack said and he nodded towards the end of the hall. I looked and saw one of the workers at the front bringing a large bouquet of flowers to us. As soon as I saw the birds of paradise, I knew it was for me. I stood up and met the person so they didn't have to walk all the way down the hall.

I took the flowers from him. There was a card in the flowers and it was addressed to me. I took the card out and read it.

My Beautiful Art

Wish I could be there to see you. I love you.


I held the flowers close to me. The others stood up and came to admire my flowers. Trevon never failed me. There was a strange ache in my heart. Strange because the ache was both from the fierceness with which I loved Trevon and from the intense sadness at his absence.

"They're beautiful," Emma said. "I wish someone would send me flowers."

I took out an orchid that came with the bouquet and handed it to her. Her wide smile was worth it and I was sure Trevon wouldn't mind. I handed a second orchid to Alyssa. She also smiled but there was also an all too knowing glint in her eyes. Alyssa was often quiet, but very astute. I took out a lily and handed it to Mack. He chuckled and then nodded. "Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome. I'm going to set these down." I took them into the dressing room and set them near my things. I stood back to admire them a little more. My phone rang.

I pulled it out of my bag and looked at the caller i.d. Joseph.

"Hello," I said.

"Uncle Arty," Jade's voice rang in my ear bringing an instant smile to my lips and a lift in my heart.

"Jade, my favorite niece."

"I'm your only niece, silly."

"Still my favorite," I said.

Stepping Through Science (MxM)(Sequel to Equations of Dance)Where stories live. Discover now