Get Rid of Her

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Chapter 2

What do you want Nicky? I land in a hour Gabriel. Where you gonna sleep? We're in Queens there is no space for you. Mrs. Montrell's house.

Gabriel looked out her south window at the house of her deceased neighbor. I thought Clarence put guard's in there. He did the master bedroom is open for me you want to feed when I get there Gabriel?

I'll think about it Nicky. I have some good news ma I may have a lead from a witch on your light. Oh goodee, Gabriel said with sarcasm rolling her eyes feeding off Clarence's.

Ember Fire was on his lap and David on the floor playing.

Are you being nice to the babies Gabriel no feeding off them remember? I know negro! You don't have to keep reminding me Niarchos.

Niarchos instead of Nicky? I must really be angering you I haven't heard you call me by my formal name in decade's.

Not angering frustrating I'm already fighting the urge to drain this child you're reminding me not to takes my mind to why I should stop reminding me negro!

Give me the phone Sugar Niarchos why are you agitating Gabriel I get her to calm down you're riling her up.

It's bad enough we are on top of one another in this tiny house now I have to deal with you taunting our wife? Please we have a lot going on leave Gabriel be.

Sorry papa that wasn't my intent. Let me handle Gabriel while we track down her light, for some reason you irritate her during this situation.

Do you think that's how she really feels about me pop agitated?

No son Gabriel loves you I gotta go Gabriel stop staring at Ember she's just a helpless baby Sugar.

Have Fi take her Clarence I can smell her blood it's driving me crazy please daddy get her out of here. Clarence exhaled slow you're a vampire reborn without your light dealing with urges Sugar.  I'll call you back son. Okay pop.

Gabriel leaned on Clarence I'm sorry. For what Sugar this..sickness. You aren't sick Sugar. I'm not? No, you're vampire one hundred percent that's how we feel when we are first turned like  blood lust is taking over.

Now do you see why I say no vampire should turn alone? Yes daddy I do. I'm so worried about Evan I can feel him in my veins she rubbed her arms. Is he scared? Not yet Clarence he's concerned she looked out the window worried.
He's not afraid of death he's like you Daddy he welcomes it.

Are you afraid of dying Gabriel? I used to be afraid but I'm not anymore I've had children, grand children and great grand children I've seen three generations born of our love.

I'm loved by you the love of my life she kissed his hand. I have friend's who I love and who love me my life is full filled if I die I will die happy.

Clarence cried oh no daddy what's wrong? My job is complete I took that lonesome woman who was dying mentally and physically and gave her the one thing she desired love.

Gabriel kissed his hand I'm sorry daddy I can't cry. You don't need to I'll cry for you my love.

I'm so bad daddy warbucks and you never stopped loving me, I'm waiting for the day you say enough is enough exiting my life forever.

That's strange sugar I say the same thing he kissed her closing the door Clarence. Mmmm? The house isn't sound proof. These kid's are grown Sugar. Yes they are Daddy.

Bishop slammed the door of the tiny house shaking it. Safinah kissed him he hugged Kayla what did he say? Sorry ladies no dice Marcus said he dosen't want the human's knowing what you look like.

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