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It's been three whole days now since the incident at the pole. You're convinced they have that blue eyed twink keeping tabs on you.

How do you know this? You get random shivers every now and then, and they're not the type a person would normally get. And you feel like you're being watched.. you've never been paranoid like this before.

You flop down on your bed after a long day at school. Well, technically you only had afternoon classes today, but still it felt like hours on end. You shifted uncomfortably at the grainy feeling of your sheets, sitting up to find the problem. Sand. Black sand.

You pinch some and rub it between your fingers.
That's when you here a low chuckle, causing you to roll your eyes and smile. He was waiting for you..
"This is a surprise, here for another hit?"
You asked, not looking up from the shiny sand that spread across your bed like black glitter.

You felt him appear close behind you, probably only inches away.
All of a sudden you heard him jump, causing you to turn around in confusion.
"What on earth is that!"

You look down to see your cat and chuckle.
"That's my cat, Yule. Have you seriously never seen one?"
You reached down to pet her, giving her soft scratches behind her ears and under her chin.

Pitch watched closely, untensing and taking a seat on your bed.
"Of course I've seen one, just not up close.."
He replied, trying to seem like that cat hadn't slightly frightened him after it came out of nowhere.
"Also Yule? Really? And you thought my name was silly".

You looked up at him blankly.
"Well, yeah. I got her around Christmas.. so she's a Yule cat",
You reasoned. You picked up Yule and sat her on your lap. She rolled onto her back, letting you pet her soft underbelly and you smiled.

"And does she eat children who don't get new clothes for Christmas?"
Pitch chuckled, watching you lovingly pet Yule as she started purring loudly.

It was then that you recalled the legend of the Yule Cat. A giant, evil beast from the dark ages that would feast on those who didn't get new clothes in time for Christmas. You always got socks for Christmas because of this, well, that was your foster parents excuse for shitty presents anyways.

You laughed,
"Wow, I almost completely forgot about that legend, I'm surprised Yule hasn't eaten me then, I don't get anything for Christmas these days".
You said, still attentively tending to your cat as she continued purring, sounding like a small motor.

"Can I?"
Pitch asked, moving a pale grey hand towards Yule. You nodded and let him run his fingers through her long, soft fur, she didn't even seem to mind at all, still purring happily. And for a moment the king of nightmares genuinely smiled, how could you not when being in the presence of such an adorable floof.

"So, where you been?"
You asked casually, Yule moving from your lap to his as you reached under your bed. You were intending on pulling out your stash box.

"Avoiding Frost. I assume you've met him.. North sent him to follow you around didn't he?"
You stopped to look up at Pitch. He knows? Of course he does.

Pitch chuckled at your reaction,
"Don't worry darling I'm not with them, in fact, I believe I'm what Frost is trying to protect you from".
He said, still petting the cat delicately. You giggled, the sight was almost too pure and you didn't believe for a second he could ever harm you.

"I don't need protection, most people won't mess with me because they're afraid of my confidence."
You claimed, reaching further under the bed to find the box.
"Besides look at yourself right now, it's hard to believe you'd ever hurt a fly",
You gestured to the Yule, comfortable in his lap as he softly stroked her.

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