potato (draft)

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(since I'm not updating this anymore and recently got some motifs for this fic, I decided I'd release any drafts I have coz I kinda feel bad. Also I'd like to mention I don't really use Wattpad anymore because it's super glitchy and I stopped posting several updates ago- 2 years ago now actually, because I hated how they changed the layout of things. Anyways, here's this:)

You wake up suddenly, wrapped in warm arms, but something is wrong.. you feel sick. You lurch forward and look around the room, your stomache queezy and head dizzy.

Does this guy have a bathroom??  Was the first thought that came to mind, a stupid thing to think, but plausible considering you were never shown a bathroom anywhere. It was too late though, as you felt the sick rise in your throat, struggling to keep it down, but you managed.

You felt the weight on the bed shift and a groggy:
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"
You turned to see Pitch and gave him a small smile, leaning down to kiss his lips.

"I'm fine, just a rough sleep",
You replied as Pitch propped himself up against the tall headboard. Why you lied.. well, you we're exactly sure. Perhaps it was the off feeling in your stomache, a gut feeling about something. You had to trust your gut, it was always right.

It's not that there was something off about Pitch, he was the same guy who you met that 4 months ago and he certainly wasn't giving of any odd vibes. If anyone was giving off odd vibes, it would be you, because the little nagging voice at the very back of your wanted you to buy a pregnancy test.

"Rough sleep? I didn't take up all the bed did I?"
Pitch smiled, something that would have been a very rare occurrence before he ever met you. You smiled back and slumped across his lap.

"Nah, your good, I think it's just coz I wasn't in my own bed",
You replied, a very reasonable excuse. Most people found their sleep to be restless when sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. It wasn't entirely a lie either, it was a little trippy waking up in a bed that was not your own, but you had Pitch there and that made you feel safe.

"I wonder what Yule's up to right now",
You asked, staring up at the tall ceiling through the darkness, remembering she'd probably need feeding. Pitch wrapped his arms around you gently and pulled you closer to him.

"Mm I don't know, eating small children perhaps?"
He asked playfully, and you laughed lightly at the small joke. He was still poking fun at your cat's name and it was quite funny, that you had had her for so long without realizing the fact you'd basically named her after a creature from the dark ages, completely unintentionally.

You had noticed you hadn't gotten your period over the last months, but that was normal for you, you often had extremely irregular periods. But now you were worried..

-Hey uhh, how do I get home from here?
-I have classes tomorrow and I need to feed Yule, you reasoned (you also wanted to go out and buy a pregnancy test, but you weren't going to tell him that)
-you knew last night was not the cause of this sudden sickness, you definitely don't show signs that quickly.. it would've had to have happened that one night you were both shit faced and he woke up in your bed for the first time.  have used protection, you used it every other time. You guys haven't actually done it since (excluding last night), it was always just him touching you and you touching him, going down on each other, stuff like that- it never ended up with him railing you.

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