Oh, Santana

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Maya Pov:

"Do you think I should ask Josie to be my Homecoming date ?" I inquire of my brother, Ethan. "Didn't I hear you were dating Finch?" He asks me a stupid question. "Ethan, Finch, and I broke up a while ago," I tell Ethan, baffled. "Just go ahead and head out for me," I tell Ethan. He laughs as he rises from my bed and kisses my forehead. "Whatever you say," he says as he walks out my room.

Even though my nose was broken and I had to share Josie with Hope, the Carnival was a huge success. Perhaps it wasn't so successful, I reasoned to myself, not realizing that I had been compelled to do so. I believe I have a good shot with Josie. What's not to like about me, I ask myself.

As I walk downstairs, I hear my parents discussing their weekend getaway. Which, fortunately for Ethan and I, is during Homecoming week. That means afterparty, I say in my head.

I open the door as Brittany walks in, greeting my parents and proceeding to Ethan's room. I used to assumed Her and Ethan were going to date. Brittany, to my surprise, was gay and extremely fortunate. I mean, Santana is a total babe! I return to my room and call Emilia over.

Brittany Pov:

I walk into Ethan's room and place the heavy book bag I was carrying on his chair. "What's that for?" he asks. "I think that if we were going to get the truth out of Santana. We'll have to tie her up so she doesn't speed over and try to do the vampire thing on us "I say to Ethan as I pull the rope out. "Do you mean compel?" He says to me. "Yeah, whatever it's call, just because it didn't work the first time doesn't mean it won't work again," I tell Ethan. "That's true, so what's the plan?" Ethan asks.

"I was thinking of tying her up, but not just wrapping it around her, because if she's one, she'll be able to get out of that," I say as I pick up the rope. "Let's tie her up in the air," I suggest. "I don't know Brittany." Ethan states. "Why can't you simply ask her? She is your girlfriend, and she may be truthful "He continues. "I know Santana; if she hasn't already told me, she won't tell me now." I tell Ethan. "So let's go, get started on setting this up," I tell Ethan. "I don't think this is a good idea," Ethan says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Stop being so scary," I say as I drag him out of the house.

Ethan Pov:

To be honest, I'm terrified of Santana; who wouldn't be? Especially now that she may be supernatural or, worse, a hell bird like Landon. "What if she sets fire to me?" I ask Brittany. She chuckles. "She's not going to set you on fire, and she likes you," Brittany explains. "I don't think she likes me; she thinks I like you," Ethan gaggingly says. "She knows you're like a brother to me, so I doubt she'll try to hurt you," Brittany says as she places the latter beside the tree.

"You doubt," I say, " that's not very convincing." I say to Britt "If she tries to hurt you, I've got you covered, Ethan, now can you help?" Brittany expresses her frustration. I goes to help Brittany in setting up the trap. "All right, now I'm going to sweet talk her into thinking we're going on a picnic," Brittany says. "In the woods?" I state my case. "Yeah," Brittany says, smiling as if that's normal. She speaks with Santana and she buys it "What now?" I wonder. "We'll wait," Brittany says.

Walking can be heard as Brittany and I wait. We quickly hid behind a tree and peered out to see how the trap worked. Walking out to see Brittany's girlfriend in a net. "I don't think this is a good idea; is it really necessary?" I speak in hushed tones to Brittany. She half-whispers, half-normally speaks, and says, "Trust me, I've got this," after which Santana speaks. " You do know I can hear y'all?" she tells us to get to the point, before flirting and sidetracking Brittany. I yell at the clingy couple, "Enough!" "Vampires are they real? Is Landon possessed by a demon?" I spit it out.

She then threw herself out of the net, terrifying Brittany and I, me more than Brittany. Santana wouldn't hurt her girlfriend, I reasoned. "Don't worry," Santana says, taking a step closer. "Did you two recently share lunch?" I recall Brittany offering me a half-sandwich. "Um yea," I say, confused, not understanding what that had to do with anything.

Santana quickly continues to explain everything to us. Leaving us with a thousand unanswered questions. She was a witch, which is how she escaped the net, and we had vervain in our system, which is why we could remember everything. She lightly branded us before returning to her school. If we discussed it with anyone who doesn't know. We'd get a very cotton mouth. She will also be aware of it and will deal with it in the manner she deemed necessary. Her words, not mine.

Maya POV:

"Emilia, our homecoming is quickly approaching; do you think I should ask Josie?" "I asked Ethan, but he got distracted and started talking about Finch," I explain. "Perhaps if I invite her to our homecoming, she'll invite me to hers," I suggest to Emilia. Emilia was sprawled on my bed, not even bothering to listen to my rant. I shove her in the head to get her attention, and she pulls her air pods out of her ears. "Sorry, were you talking?" she says as she stares at me blankly. "Unbelievable," I retort. "I'm writing a new song," she explains. "Forget about it," I say. "I discovered one of Josie's songs, and she's really good." "You should invite her to homecoming because you already have a crush on her for one, and two maybe I'll get the chance to ask her opinion on my song," she suggests. "Are you serious?" I ask, frustrated. "Yeah," she says as she replaces her air pods in her ears.

After a while, I ask Emilia about her plans for a homecoming, and she says, "I've already been asked, but I've declined them all." I'm perplexed, so I inquire as to why. "Are you attending homecoming by yourself, Emilia? Didn't you say that was sad and pathetic?" I ask. I continued to bring it up. "Yeah, but I've grown up since then," she says. "Emilia, that was yesterday at the carnival," I exclaim. "And what about that?" she wonders dumbfounded. "All right, whatever you say," I say, and then I drop the subject.

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