Chapter 7

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  Your pov
         All 3 of the boys shortly after went up to the den to play video games, leaving me with the task of giving the kitten a bath.
           That being said I grabbed the dawn dish soap(which was suggested in all the videos I'd watched) and the kitten stuff, along with the kitten.
            I head to my bathroom to get this process started. I grab the metal small tooth comb that Danny got, started up my heating pad(on low) with the blanket it slept on earlier and put that in my bed, then it was time to bathe the kitten.
             I turn on the water and make sure it's warm, not hot, not cold, make sure I had a clean hand towel close by and start bathing it.
             I got it wet, put a ring of soap around it's neck to keep the fle's from traveling to its head, then washed the rest of its body well. I used a little soap on its head to wash its head and just water in its face and around its eyes, then use the metal comb to get rid of any fles, and there was quite a bit.
               I rinse it off well, using my finger once I got closer to its head and face as the videos had said, then since we didn't know yet and it was a lot less fluffy now that it was wet I checked the gender.

Its a girl!

            I make sure she's fully rinsed off and then wrap her in the clean hand towel, and now that I think about it I need to wash the blanket she slept in earlier and get a new one that's clean because the other one probably had fles on it now.
             I take the kitten into my room and get a new blanket, replacing the other one and sitting the kitten down onto it. She immediately laid down in the clean blanket and started to fall asleep, so I quickly go and start the dirty blanket in the washer.
             I go back to my room and check on the kitten, she was asleep. I make my way upstairs to the den because I had to ask Danny where we wanted the litter box.
All the boys where playing some game on the big screen silently, the clicking of controls the only sound in the room.
I go over silently and give Danny a hug from behind, "oh, hi," he giggled a little as he continues to play
"Question, where do we want the litter box?" I questioned quietly
"Uhmm, put it in the laundry room and I'll get a cat door some time this weekend, just leave the door open for now," he responded, me resting my head on his shoulder.
"It's a girl by the way," I mentioned
He leans his head against mine for a second, "ok," he responded lightly, dying in game. "Really," he turned his head to Will who had killed him. "I'm literally on your team," he said
Will shrugged, I let out a sigh and make my way back downstairs. "Ah dat dat dat! where you goin without giving me a kiss first? Come here," I hear Danny say as I took a step down.
I giggle a little and turn back around, going over to him. He leans his head back into the couch. I move his hair back and lean down to his level, leaving a soft kiss on his lips.
                 He kisses me twice more quickly before I pulled away, "ok I'm gonna go set things up for the kitten downstairs, let me know if you guys need anything," I said before actually going downstairs.
               I go and set up the litter box, making sure to check on the kitten ever once and a while in the process of unboxing at setting everything up right.

              The boys make their way downstairs, hugging each other before they both wave goodbye to me and leave.
Over the time that I'd just chilled on the couch the kitten explored the house to get use to her surroundings, sniffing things and rubbing her sent into things.
             Danny comes and sits next to me on the couch, wrapping an arm around me. I look up at him, my hand placed on his chest, he gives me a soft kiss. "We need to name the kitten," he said before kissing me again.
              "Luna," I commented between kissing him
              "Bella," he commented, connecting our lips again
              "Nala," I said, then the kitten jumped up onto Danny's lap, which made us both stop kissing to giggle, "Nala it is," I said petting her, then got up.
               "Where are you going?" He wined
              "To record, wanna come watch?" I asked
               "Only if Nala gets to come too," he said picking her up
                "Of course she can, she's our little baby," I said with a smile. We go to my room and Danny sits on my bed while I set myself up. I gave Danny my spare headset so he could listen as well

                  I open my laptop and look on my email for any requests or new script pieces from the movie I was voice acting in. I didn't see any script parts, but I did see a voice memo from my friend Alex. It read 'LEMONS, I need your female voice and keyboard (rolls eyes) pls send asap,' from 2 hours ago

                 "He better pay me for this," I sighed, I click on it and put on my headset to listen, I'm not 100% familiar with the song. I know the lyrics but it's the timing I don't get very well so I had to listen to it a few time.
                I get my keyboard and play the part in the beginning, then repeat that on my sound board and let the song play all the way so I didn't have to worry about stopping it at the end. But now I had to sing my part, so, as normal I got nervous about having to record over and over Because of voice cracks or massing up lyrics or timing.
               "This is my least favorite part," I sighed and started the recording over, Danny staying completely silent. "There's a billion people on this planet you could bother but for some reason you chose me, I wish I could give you the attention that you ordered but I just don't have the energy. And maybe I'm the one that's being over dramatic but I don't think so, but I do know for a fact though that your a definite coward and I think it might be time for you to go," now for the high notes which I shouldn't have a problem with actually
              "Your a sour little boy with a fragile masculinity, you saw me as your toy and now that I'm not you abuse me. Your a sour little boy absolutely no fun, you saw me as your toy now that I'm not you throw a tantrum," and that was the end of my part for now, now it was just Alex.
              'When life gives me lemons I don't make lemonade I use them to make you cry, can't process my felling make 'em cycle the drain cause tonight I'm gonna ruin your life' then it was back to me
              "When life give you lemons you don't make lemonade you use them to make girls cry, you take those lemons no sugar at all and you squirt it right into our eyes<2x." Danny giggled quietly from a far
             I roll my eyes, "I've tried to remain peasant with your stupid shenanigans but you've given me no other choice. You've tried to knock me over by acting like your above me and pretending that I don't have a voice. And I don't wanna encourage your abusive behavior but I just can't let you win, I'm legitimately tired of being walked all over by these insecure babies who think that they're men," then it went back to Alex again.
              I turn off my mic while we listen, "that's my favorite part," I giggled before turning my mic back on

             'I'm a sour little boy with a fragile masculinity, insecure, destroyed any time that your above me,' then it went back to me
             "Your a sour little boy absolutely no fun, you saw me as your toy, now that I'm not you throw a tantrum," and then it was back to Alex, the end is a lot of back and forth, like a lot
               'When life gives me lemons I don't make lemonade I use them to make you cry, can't proses my feelings made em cycle the drain so tonight I'm gonna ruin your life,'
                "When life gives you lemons you don't make lemonade you use them to make girls cry. You take those lemons no sugar at all and squirt it right into our eyes,"
               Then it was both of us, me as background, "you may be the bigger person but I'm louder, I'll do everything to hurt you in my power, just because your confident I think your shallow, here's a slice of humble pie for you to swallow. You might be the bigger person but I'm louder, I'll to everything to hurt you in my power, just because your confident I think your shallow, here's a slice of humble pie for you to swallow," then it was me with a beautiful high note
             "Sour little boy," at the end. I stop the recording and bounce happily. "FIRST TRY LETS FUCKING GOOO!" I say with excitement
              "I didn't know you could sing," Danny giggled
              "The joys of being a voice actor," I say with a smile. "Ok now background," I sighed

Here's the song btw

Don't go to the basement (Dannyphantom.exe smut and fluff)Where stories live. Discover now