Chapter 2

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"We are weapons, shaped like humans. Mental Cubes. Alien crystals given to mankind.... in the battle against Sirens. Mental Cubes are the basis of our creation, blessed with the power to fight Siren. That power is the power of ships."

"The power to conquer the oceans and destroy the Sirens. With this power mankind reclaimed the oceans. But, in order to gain greater power, mankind is divided into two camps."

"The Red Axis, an alliance formed by the Sakura Empire... and Iron Blood who want to take the power of the Sirens. They rebel against Azur Lane. Even though they are facing the common threat of the Siren, the conflict between the human camps continues. That's right. never change."

"However, during the time of the attack on Azur Lane, we all encountered five ships that we had never seen before. They came all the way here to help defend Azur Lane, but when the battle was over, they told us there. Different names and the five of them are from another world."

After a few minutes later, Azur Lane was attacked and the damage to the entire base was greatly reduced and too many Shipgirls were seriously injured due to air strikes from Akagi and Kaga and repairs to the base.

Wales: They got us conceded, I didn't expect them to attack us first.

Illustrious: I'm not surprised that they joined that Iron Blood, too expected. But ....

Wales: Maybe they're not that fast, so they don't know how dangerous the Siren's power is.

Illustrious: Well, we need to focus on rebuilding the main Royal Navy forces coming soon we can't be careless anymore.

Wales: Thanks to Eagle Union Enterprise, he really saved us.

Illustrious: Yeah, but including the five of them scabies saved his life too, but there's better technology. But, there are planes that aren't siren planes and they don't have siren technology.

Wales: Yes I agree. So, where are they now?

Illustrious: at the very least, they should have arrived at the nearest dock.

Then, Team Alan almost arrived at the Azur Lane pier.

Alan: "It's a harbor like Pearl Harbor in WW2, just a matter of time to fix things. But, I think they made the next move, but it's unknown right now."

Mark: Alan, is everything okay?

Alan: Yes of course, but we need to contact the Prince of Wales first.

Alida: Over there.

Alan: Ok, let's go Team Alan!

Team Alan: OK!

Then, Team Alan went to the Azur Lane pier. After that, Javelin and Laffey landed and millions of blue cubes turned into ships. Then, Prince of Wales, Illustrious and Unicorn headed to Javelin and Laffey.


Javelin: Thankfully, all is well.

After that, Javelin was surprised to see Laffey sleeping on the floor.

Javelin: EH, Laffey-chan, are you okay?!

Laffey: Maybe not. I'm so sleepy.

Javelin: Come on, don't sleep here!

Then, Prince of Wales, Illustrious and Unicorn headed for Laffey and Javelin.

Unicorn: Ah, Javelin-chan! Laffey-chan!

The Battle For Solar Storm Begins At Sea (Alan Walker X Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now