~Chapter 42~

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"It has been ten years... Yet no one has forgotten you ideals..."

"... Otohime Sama."


Over the island, a flying com broadcasted the border patrol trying to contact the palace. The com warned the island that some dangerous individuals have left the Fish-Man District though could not tell what their purpose is.

These people turned out to be Hody and Decken's crews riding on a group of sea monsters heading towards the palace. Hody Jones, who was in the front rallied everyone. "This is the final step! We will soon be the new rulers of Fish-Man Island!" The pirates cheered loudly for their leader.


Meanwhile at a fish bus stop, Robin had subdued several Ammo Knights who were trying to capture her. Robin then ridea on a fish bus heading to the Sea Forest." Finally.." she whispered to herself. "I learned the location of the poneglyph that contains information on the Void Century..."

Back at the palace, Zoro argued with the Minister of the Left about his methods of dealing with the intruders, while (y/N) was trying to calm him down. Neptune, however, is more worried for his daughter Shirahoshi, believing Luffy kidnapped her even correctly guessing that she could have hid inside Megalo.

The palace guards laughed at this saying that this is too bizarre. Nami stated that they would not even try to do something like that. Regardless, Neptune refused to let them leave unless Shirahoshi returns safely. As they were arguing, they fail to notice that one of the defeated pirates' arm is resting on the entrance switch.

(Y/N), already knowing what will happen, prepared herself mentally. She decided to not change the course of the story, expect some simple details like warning her crew members before any upcoming attack.


Out at the Sea Forest, we find Franky with the Thousand Sunny, talking to an individual who explained that the forest is also a ship graveyard as the debris is brought in from the currents. The person in question is called Den, a Bering Wolf Merman and Tom's younger brother. Den promises to coat the Sunny for him after hearing it was made from Adam Wood. Franky admitted that he was surprised to find that he and Tom looked nothing alike.

Den explains that Fish-Man and Merman have old genes in them so if for example, a shark mermaid was born from an octopus mermaid, that would mean his ancestor was a shark. Even so, no one on the island bats an eye about the different types of species.

To them, family is family... the fish-man could not understand why humans would want to categorize them like that. (though Den contradicts himself when he asks if Franky has a robot for an ancestor).

Den went on saying that he knew about Franky and Iceburg from the letters Kokoro set him and knew what happened to Tom. Den commented that Tom picked Franky as the right disciple.

Franky then noticed Jinbe not far from them, sitting near Otohime's grave. Den mentioned that he was waiting for someone since he cannot enter Fish-Man Island due to being a wanted criminal.


Back at the palace, Hody, Decken, and their crews entered the palace much to the surprise of Neptune and the Minister of the Right, who mentioned that Hody was once a soldier in the Neptune Army.

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