Special Commands

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These are special commands, things that you can only use below(and not in your actual clan page. There are three sections: war, alliances, and trade. Each section has commands that follow, aswell as an explanation.


/ start war with [clan name] - This creates a war between two clans; though there may be more if a ally chooses to send in cats from their clan. You can start wars anywhere after moon two; though the clan you start a war with must also be done with their first moon.

/ send [cat names] to fight - You can only send warriors, apprentices, leaders and deputies to fight. Keep in mind that cats can die, and leaders can lose lives.

/ have [cat name] attack [cat name] - You have one of your cats attack the enemy. Keep in mind health levels and fighting skills when doing this. You cannot have more then two cats attack someone.

/ kill [cat name] - When a cats health hits zero, you have the option to spare your enemy, or kill them. If your cat is killed in battle, they will be permanetly removed.

/ spare [cat name] - This allows your opponet to flee the battle, and can only be used once the opposing cats health has reached zero.

/ have [cat name] steal [prey/herbs] from [clan name] - You steal five of either each time you use this command. Obviously, a cat who is not being attacked can do this; and if someone attacks your cat, they cannot use this command.

/ ask ally to help - If you're in a pinch, you can ask a ally from another clan to help out, and send cats to fight alongside yours. If you are an ally and agree to help them fight, you use any of these commands.

/ have [clan name] flee from battle - If all your cats are unable to fight, this automatically ends the war. Your border strength will drop by three for every cat injured/killed


/ ask [clan name] for an alliance - If they agree, you have a ally who you can turn to for help if someone wages war on your clan

/ accept alliance offer from [clan name] - You and said clan will become allies. Keep in mind that an alliance will break instantly if they attack your clan

/ deny alliance offer from [clan name] - obviously a no, though nothing really happens apart from that.

/ send [resource] to [clan name] as gift - You can send prey or herbs to your ally in order to help them out. 


/ offer trade: [resource] for [resource] - You can trade cats in your clan, prey or herbs for the same thing. Keep in mind you can't trade herbs for herbs, or prey for prey. These trades are up to anyone who sees them.

/ send [resource] for [resource] - If you see a trade you want to do with someone, you can send the resources they asked for in exchange for what they're offering.

/ cancel trade offer - If you've changed your mind on a trade you previously advertised, you can cancel it.

/ request trade from [clan name] - You can ask someone to trade with you. Follow up this command by using the 'offer trade' command.

/ agree to trade - You can agree with what someones trade offer

/ refuse to trade - If you don't want to, refuse their trade offer

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