Chapter 15

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Darcy's POV
One minute, I was asleep. I was resting before my alarm woke me up. But then I woke up anyways, and I wasn't myself. I was possessed by the same thing that made me taunt Abi, except now I was too weak and tired; the thing had complete control over my body.

I crawled from my sleeping bag and turned off my alarm so that it didn't go off. I then went over to my bag in the corner of the tent. Well, the thing that was possessing me was doing all of it, but using my body. It opened my bag, rummaged around for a bit, then...then grabbed my sword.

I really didn't know what in the Nether this thing was going to do with that sword, but I soon found out. It made me stand up inside the three-block-high tent, and walk over a block to where Nathaniel was sleeping. It must've made a noise because Nathaniel suddenly bolted upright.

"D-Darcy? What are you..." Nathaniel started to say. He got out of bed and backed slowly against the tent entrance. "Darcy? Stop! What are you doi-"

I...Well, I cut him off. I raced forwards with renewed accuracy, and...stabbed him in the chest. He gasped and fell to the ground, almost dead, but I suddenly felt the possessor leave me. Enraged that he'd made me murder someone, I tried to turn around and face him. I had never done this before, because he could easily have been some invisible being and I hadn't wanted to look like an idiot. But now, he's taken it too far.

As I turned around, I gasped. There was a tall shape that barely fit in the tent. He looked like a shadow, and I was almost convinced that it was my own shadow when I saw it's eyes. They were a deep, glowing purple. It was an Enderman!

"What in Notch's name..." I whispered. The Enderman smiled at me and teleported behind me. I tried to turn around and attack him but he had grabbed me. He flung me over his shoulder and started digging a hole in the side of the tent, but must've decided it would take too long. He simply teleported out. I tried to cry out for help, but my brain didn't seem to be working properly.

I gasped as he suddenly jumped behind a cactus. I hit my head against his hard back, and it made my vision blur for a few seconds. But when I could see again, I saw... Caitlin! She was moving her mouth, but no sound was coming out. So I couldn't talk or hear, great. Not.

I could only watch as Caitlin came closer and closer, then stepped around the side of the cactus. She jumped backwards immediately and the Enderman pulled me forwards as he stepped closer. I desperately thrashed around to try and show Caitlin my face, but I have no idea if she saw me. I would've known, but I suddenly felt a shock go through my body. Everything was black for awhile, but I realised it was because I'd closed my eyes. So, carefully, I opened them.

I was in a cell. Wow. 'How did I get in here? Where am I?' I asked myself silently. At least I could hear stuff. All around me there were footsteps. It was kind scary though, because I was in a square, smooth-stone cell. The only access I had to whatever was around me was the barred roof. So, I couldn't see who was making all the footsteps, I could only hear them.

As I sat there, bored, I heard someone yell something out.

"Destroy the cage, I would like to see his face." A girl said, sounding a lot older than me.

The wall in front of me was suddenly mined away and I could easily have escaped if two Endermen hadn't grabbed me. I thrashed around, but they gripped my arms tighter and pulled me forwards to the girl I'd heard just before.

"Oh my, you chose well Endra!" The girl said to one of the Endermen. Then she looked straight at me from her throne. "What is your name, boy?"

"D-Darcy, miss," I said, my voice squeaking and echoing around the end-stone walls of what seemed to be a throne-room. I heard a few Endermen laugh so I looked down at my feet sheepishly.

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