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Unknown POV
I looked at my clock. It read midday, finally time for my meeting. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my teleporter, tapping in a few coordinates. I looked up and watched as a portal appeared in front of me, leading to my brother's place.

I stepped in, feeling the familiar sensation of being zapped and thrown around like a ragdoll, before once again enjoying the refreshing feeling of standing on solid ground when I reached the other end.

I looked around for my brother. He must have renovated or something because I had no idea where anything was. I walked into another room, trying to find him, but when I looked around all I saw was the previous room's furnishings and wallpaper. Then I saw the door that I had just walked through, or at least, I thought I had.

I must have imagined it, though it all still felt a bit strange. I walked through the door, hoping to be in a different room this time, but again I found that everything was the same. I tried again and again, but nothing changed. Finally, the realisation hit me. This was a trap.

As soon as I figured it out, I saw the walls start melting away, the nice living room turning into an dark, foul smelling cave. As I looked around, I heard a deep, strange voice that seemed to be coming from the walls themselves. It echoed around, making it even harder to identify. So I just sat there and listened.

"Welcome, brother," the voice said, echoes booming around the cave. "I have been waiting long for you to come back to me."

Brother? That's not even my brother's voice! And he wouldn't ever live here! Maybe he's just playing a joke on me...I thought.

"I have called you here because I need you to...test something for me." said my brother. I couldn't think of his name, it was as if he had destroyed it. No matter how hard I tried to think, I had no memory of anyone saying it. It was like it had just disappeared.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I asked him, trying to project my voice as much as he had.

For a few seconds I just waited. Then everything happened too quickly. My brother was right behind behind me, gripping my shoulders and holding a potion. I tried to struggle out of his hands but I couldn't move.

"This!" He boomed. I saw the potion fly towards my mouth as he shoved the liquid down my throat. I gagged, the bulky potion blocking my airway. I managed to elbow my brother away, but it was too late.

I felt the potion sizzle down my throat, and I fell forwards, coughing. It tasted bitter and it hurt as it went down into my body, making everything it touched seem to burn. I screamed.

"What have you done?!" I yelled. I saw him smile as he simply looked on at me.

"You're testing something, I told you," he smirked.

Suddenly I felt something else. It was pain, but this time it was not on the inside of my body, it was real, outside, visible pain. I clutched my stomach, it felt as if someone was kicking it. The potion was taking away hearts. Although...it was a very slow, painful progress, which suggested that it was a slow poison potion, and I guessed it would take about a week to kill me, seeing as it only took away hunger first and at the time, my hunger bar was full. That meant that the potion wasn't very strong, or just wasn't very effective against...me.

I thought about this and it made me extremely worried. It wouldn't be that effective on me because I was the ruler and protector of Minecraftia, but if my brother was planning to give it to everyone, nobody would survive more than 5 days!

"Nice work...Steve." Said my brother, using my actual name.

"What...have you...done?" I was getting weaker by the minute, so he must have mixed something with his potion besides the slow poison.

"Me? Oh, nothing important..." He smirked again.

My eyes started going fuzzy and my vision was blurred. I could barely see my own hands. And the last thing I thought about before I blacked out was my brother's name.


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