0. Introduction

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Hi, my name is Bee. Its not actually Bee but I lrefer to be called this as it reminds me of loving memories. Its funny because I absolutely hate anything small flying around and making noise, especially if they have the ability to stick their asses in my skin and hurt me.

I am (as im writing this) 16 years old, I have no idea where I will go with this story but we will see how it will progress. I probably have severe depression and a form of adhd or autism, but I am too afraid to even mention to my parents how I feel everyday so we wont be having any clarification of my symptoms. I wont be self diagnosing but its been asked by friends if I have any of the mental issues mentioned above.

I will begin from when I can remember my life in these chapters. Eventually this story will be a diary for me to keep up with after I've written everything I can remember down.

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