New Year New Relationship

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Everyone was going inside UA yelling and hugging because they missed each other. When they saw bakugou they all started talking to him and hugging him like they did to everyone else. Though..When they saw lida come inside the classroom they all were shook, He looked like he was pissed and hasn't had any sleep for days! Bakugou was the most worried about the situation! He thought he was gonna see a happy calm masculine and handsome blue head coming inside the room but instead he sees a zombie blue head . All bakugou did was observed because he wanted to see if lida would fix himself and be okay after a dew days. But there was no change. When some of the DekuSquad wanted to talk to lida to see if he was okay lida gave them a death glare which everyone and i mean EVERYONE saw because lida said "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!? This better be important or you are all screwed!" Everyone was shook. Lida was not the type of person to curse or yell he was usually very calm and collective. So no one decided to help or talk to lida till be was better and back to normal. Of course bakugou knew it wouldn't get better at this rate so he decided to give lida one more day till bakugou would make a move and stop this behavior. During training practice lida was running super fast he was about to run over 6 classmates in 0.7 seconds especially bakugou..Lida started widening his eyes because he thought he saw the blonde fall because if himself. Lida started giving a death glare to everyone while running back to the blonde and helped him up. Once that was done lida started to feel so guilty he ended up getting more angrier then before. Mina was so confused and told bakugou why lida helped bakugou up..but bakugou didn't have a clue either. Everyome started whispering about the training incident, Lida had enough and yelled IF ANYONE WANTS TO SPEAK ABOUT IT YOU MAY LEAVE! Everyone went silent til sensei aizawa came and said "whats wrong with you lida, is anything bothering you lately?!? Your being very loud and if that continues i will have no choice but to give you detention" lida got so pissed he gave a death glare to sensei aizawa and said "I am having the worst week every, so with all do respect can you kindly FUCK OFF and mind your own business?!?" Everyone was so shocked even sensei aizawa everyone in the room got chills rolling down their back. Bakugou had enough but he decided to shrug it off till the end of glass. Mean while when aizawa had to leave the room lida decided to leave as well for some fresh air. Midoriya said "Lida-kun your not suppose to leave the room! As a class president this is not a good example of what your suppose to do!" Lida said "I dont give a damn! Look we get it you want to be like all might but have anyone told you that YOUR SO FUCKING ANNOYING! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

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