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Bakugou finally had enough, everything was getting out of hand. Bakugou really liked how lida is slowly turning into someone really attractive but bakugou really missed the mature and calm blue headed four eyes. So bakugou got up and walked to lida, everyone was gasping and crossing their fingers hoping for the best because they thought bakugou was gonna make the situation even worse then it was already. Bakugou looked up at Lida and gave a stern look hiding the fact that his heart was beating so fast and heard you can almost hear it. Lida looked at bakugou and sternly states "I clearly don't have time for you Bullshit and tantrums stupid brat" the second lida knew what he was saying he froze up but covered it up as if he never said it. Bakugou almost shattered but all he said was nothing, nothing at all he just stood there looking at lida. Todoroki had enough and said "That is not what your suppose to say as a class president! Thats very disrespectful especially for you! Bakugou is not a brat and he is not stupid your being a dickhead!" Todoroki glared at lida. Lida was so pissed and said "Stop glaring at me and glare at you fucking dad for goodness sake. So maybe I take back what I said the only stupid bullshit I'm tired of dealing with is yours!" Everything was so intense everyone was scared to move a single muscle. Bakugou made a tch sounds and rolled his eyes, secretly he was scared fir his life and be was actually kinda falling deeper in love with this annoying blue headed four eyes. Bakugou took a step closer to lida and looked up at the taller blue headed man, touched the taller mans face and gave him a soft smile. Lida was so shocked he felt himself becoming himself again. Lida saw that soft face of the cute feminine ash blonde and tried his best to keep a stern face. Bakugou didn't care about who was looking at him or who was judging him at this point bakugou just placed his hand of lida'd cheek and said "You don't mean it and I know you don't..You don't mean anything you said or do. I KNOW you better than this" and after that Lida opened his mouth and said "Y-you right..I don't thank you.." bakugou smiled and placed his forehead on lidas forehead and no one saw but lida felt..that bakugou kissed him on his forehead. Lida smiled and whispered in bakugous ear "Will you go on a date with me?" Bakugou was so happy but he had to keep cool, "Woah! Thats pretty staright forward for a dude like you" bakugou chuckles. *lida laughs* ill take that as a yes. After the incident everyone started shipping LidaBaku and was totally in for the opposites attract love thing.

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