The confession some 18+ here

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When we were done we went outside hear the pool behind the restaurant with fairy lights. We were having an amazing time we even had time to make flower crowns. Katsuki taught me how to make them! And again i am learning so much about him its very romantic. Until we were actually cuddling and putting our arms around each other. When I felt like things were getting comfortable i got up with bakugou and rapped my arms around bakugous waist and placed my head on kats shoulders. (15-18+ part here) I kissed him on the cheek them turned him around to kiss him on the lips. It wasn't a regular kiss..It was passionate..I bit his lips for entrance and explored through the walls of his mouth. I broke the kiss to get some air and went to kats neck and gave him butterfly kisses and bites. When i heard some moans and groans i then stopped to see his face hiding on my chest all i could do is chuckle. I have never seem someone so bratty and aggressive to be so cute, soft, and flustered! It almost made me fall even deeper in love if that's possible. I then went to get things from the table i have been waiting to get out and handed daisies and a teddy bear cause I knew bakugou loved those two things. "You have been such an amaZing person. Your cute and adorable, I may know this about you but I never told you i knew this about you..Your like glass you seem strong but when someone drops you, you start to shatter and no one figures that out till the last minute..You make me happy, Katsuki Bakugou. I can see my future with you, you are the one who inspires me everyday to become ehat i am today. So will you be my Boyfriend?"
I was so sappy but it was how i felt when kat was around me ❤️.. all i remembered that day was : "You stupid idiot! Why didn't you tell me earlier!! I loved you since the beginning..Its sweet how you knew those thing about me, now its my turn to say things about you...You may be very possessive at times but secretly that's they way you show that you care for others because you don't know my other ways to show someone you love them..Its cute, You are kinda like a treadmill. You know why? Because you are just someone who does things to meet peoples expectations without a care in the hobbies, no likings, nothing. But when someone is there for you always on your side going wherever you go till you meet to where you want to be..THATS when you start working and feeling motivated. Its what shitty hair would call manly..Tenya Lida you make me the happiest person alive. You make me feel like I can do anything in this world..I love you and i would gladly be your boyfriend.

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