Chapter 1

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It was a simple day for Y/N, nothing out of the usual and not much going on, a peaceful silence was all throughout the house, nothing but the sound of dishes clinking and the splashing of dish water.

Looking through the window as a slight breeze goes by and through her long H/C hair, as her E/C eyes brightly shine in the sun's rays, you wore a simple brown dress with a white apron and a white bandana holding back your hair, you glance up as you hear the sound of tires on gravel, you see Hoyt's police car coming in the drive, you sigh as you see maybe four people with him, one with blonde hair which was a female, and two boys, one with blonde hair like the girl and the other one with black hair, the one in the front had a hanky over her face, but she looks like she was dead, another sigh leaves you as you remember you where once like them, but Thomas or Tommy, your husband and the love of your life, took a liking to you and so they decided to keep you.

Besides them being somewhat crazy and your husband being a murderer, you still loved them, they where your little family.

You put down the thing you where doing and made your way outside as you wipe off your hands while going down the stairs, Hoyt smiles at you as you smile back,

"Ah, Y/N, glad you came out darlin'.", You shake your head with a small chuckle.

"Hello Hoyt, Who are they in your car?",
You quirked a brow and nod to them as they bang on the car windows crying out and pleading for help. Hoyt smiles, then scowls as he bangs back on the window telling them to shut up, he looks back at you smiling.

"Darlin', can you please go get your husband for me, he has work to do.", You nod and head back inside. You head to the basement door and knock on it.

"Tommy, Honey, Hoyt needs you darling.", Loud footsteps are heard as you back up from the door as it opens revealing your husband, you look up at him and smile as he looks down at you, he brings a hand to your face and rests it on your cheek, you nuzzle into it as you rest your hand on his, as he makes a low growl escape his throat, you chuckle as he leans into your neck and nuzzling and breathing in your scent, a gentle kiss is places on your coller bone as your hand is placed on the back of his head playing with his hair, he hums in content at the affection he was getting from you. But sadly the moment was ruined by yelling.

"THOMAS!, GET OUT HERE AND STOP FUCKING!", you laugh as Thomas reluctantly let you go, as he went outside, with you following behind.

"Come on Tommy, get her out of there.", Thomas clenched his hand and in one swift move grabbed the dead woman from the front seat to his shoulder, you watch as he walked away, your eyes trailing down his body as he walked away and into the house.

"Alright, Y/N, enough oogling, we have work to do.", Hoyt smirks as he looks at the other three people in the backseat, as they glare or shrink back in fright.

(A/N: howdy, I hope you like this so far. I recently rewatched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning and in my head I'm just like you know you should make one because their isn't a lot of them on Wattpad so here we are.)

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