Chapter 3

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(I'm back Bitches 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜)

You groan, waking up, wincing lightly as you feel a rag being pressed against your forehead, looking at the person, smiling softly as you saw mama.

"What happened?", Your brows furrow confused as you sit up, grabbing your temple, jumping lightly as you hear a scream from upstairs, shaking your head as you hear Hoyt.

"Tommy found you outside on the ground, passed out with a wound to your head.", Mama says picking up her things and getting up to go put them away, you getting up and following.

"Oh? Yeah...", You help pick up a few things, jumping lightly as hands wrap around your waist, and a face burying into your hair, smiling softly as you lean into the chest of your husband.

"I'm ok, Thomas.", He grunts lowly as he picks you up, causing a laugh to escape your mouth as he carries you to the basement, opening it and closing it while walking down the stairs and through all of the mucky water, gently setting you on the work table, leaning back lightly and carressing your hair softly.

"It's ok Tommy.", You smile softly, blushing lightly as you cup his face gently, tilting your head slightly to the side as you smile softly, leaning in to kiss him softly.

Just as he was leaning into kiss you as well a gunshot goes off upstairs, causing you to jump lightly, Hoyts voice load as he calls Tommy upstairs. Thomas grunts as he turns around and grabs his favorite chainsaw and stomping upstairs to help Hoyt, you hit on his trail as he goes upstairs while you help mama get Monty into the chair from the living room as he has a bullet hole in his leg, your quick to grab a few things to help him, pausing as you hear the commotion upstairs, a few things crash and the sound of Hoyt shouting for 'Tommy to get the stupid bastard', you lightly smirk hearing the Rev of the chainsaw and Hoyts happy laughter, already knowing your husband beat the other guy, and internally groaning from the mess that you had to clean up later, not to mention all the blood....

----time-skip to dinner----

You help mama set up all the food, you eyes glancing at the boy and the girl who was tied up, before looking at Uncle Monty, your (E/C) softening lightly as mama helps him eat, since Tommy cut his legs off, which you where currently going to give him a scolding later, sitting in your seat as you wait for the boy to wake up, smiling widely as he groans, the male looking around groggily, before looking at you.

"Look who's finally awake!", Hoyt laughs loudly, gripping the blonde women's hair and tilting her head back, exposing her mouth that had all of her teeth removed, kissing her head as he grabs a knife and cuts her throat before letting her head drop to the kitchen table, letting her bleed out to death as the guy screams in pain at the loss of his girlfriend.

----time-skip to after everything happens cause I'm lazy and forgot half the bloody movie----

Everything happened in a blur, you were at dinner, the boys somehow got free and beat Hoyt up, knocking some teeth out, punched you in the face and busted down the door while running away with a female, the brown haired girl, once Thomas saw the boy punch you in the face and saw blood run down your nose, he lost it, he grabs his chainsaw and ran after them, till you couldn't see them or hear them anymore.

Lightly helping Hoyt up and bringing him inside as he wipes his nose from blood, sitting him down on the couch while going to the kitchen to grab a rag to clean the blood up a bit, walking back inside and clean up the blood off his face.

"Stupid fuckin' kids..", he softly grumbles causing you to nod slightly, smiling lightly as you finish cleaning his face.

"Tommy will get them, Hoyt, don't worry about it, just get some rest, you had a long day.", You smile softly, getting up and walk to the kitchen to help mama clean up the mess, hearing Hoyt walk upstairs to his room and a door slam closed.

"You need anything Mama?", You lightly smile, she looks up from cleaning up the glass and smiles.

"Yes please, I seem to need help cleaning all this blood up.", You nod and get to work, you slightly getting worried as it gets later at night and there is still no sign of Thomas.

"He'll be ok, Hun.", Mama smiles as she takes your rag from you.

"It's late sweetie, how about we finish tomorrow morning, the body's have been taken care of so just go get some sleep.", Mama smiles as you nod, hugging her softly as you go to the basement where your and Thomas room is, opening the basement door and closing it as you descend the stairs, sighing tiredly as you change into one of Thomas's shirts, crawling into the large bed and getting comfortable, snuggling into the pillows and blankets, slowly falling asleep.

(A/N: I know it's been awhile since I last updated, I'm sorry, but I hope to continue this story, and create a after storyline ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯, who knows, maybe you'll have a baby with Tommy~, let me know how this story goes so far, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to like and comment!❤️)

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