Left Hanging?

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Everyone has his or hers way of dealing from a break up. Some find solace in other people; others find comfort in food and friends. Taylor Swift however did none of that.

A month into her world wind 1989 tour she became single. Both her and Calvin blamed the failed relationship on their busy schedules and jet setting to the other side of the world. It was a very common reason most relationships didn't work for most people in the music industry. Taylor had been too busy and distracted by the tour that she hadn't dealt with the loss of the DJ. Sure, they weren't together long, but it still meant something to her, like any relationship she had. So there she was, sitting in a club with various friends. Their attempt to kick start Taylor's moving on.

After the tour Taylor had returned home to her Tribeca apartment and two cats when her feelings hit her like a ton of bricks. She noticed that she hadn't done her usual break up routine. Hate and miss them, write a song or two and then miss them some more and hate them again. Not having the daily distraction of performing, Taylor moped and marathon watched her favorite TV shows while eating ice cream and chocolate with both her cats next to her. After doing the same thing for a week, her friends finally intervened. They came over and dragged her out of her apartment to have some fun.

Sitting down near the bar, drink in hand, Taylor watched her friends dance despite various attempts from Selena to get up and join her. She looked down at the martini in her hand and wallowed in her sadness. The singer was sad for two reasons,

1.     The break up between her and Calvin

2.     She blamed it on the tour and distance but deep down she knew it wasn't true.

Taylor knew that the relationship didn't work out due to her lingering feelings for a certain person in her life. Even though it was close to four years that they broke up, she never really got over him. He constantly floated in and out of her life and the times they were together, her feelings intensifying each time. It had gotten to a stage where each time he left, she felt like her and the One Direction member broke up all over again, despite not even being together.

Her thoughts of him continued until she was pulled into reality by her phone vibrating. Taylor searched her bag and saw it was a message. Harry had sent her a message saying he was in town and wanted to see if she was available for a catch up. She stared at the screen and looked up in the direction of her friends. Taylor noticed that both Selena and Karlie's boyfriends had shown up and saw how the two couples interacted. She noticed the smile on her best friends face had grown even wider just being in the presence of the man she loved.  Taylor so desperately wanted that in her life and this time, she was going to get it. She quickly typed a response asking where he was staying in the city. Waiting for his reply, she quickly downed the drink and left her dancing friends. Once Harry told her where he was, she quickly hopped in the car and told her driver the address.

Taylor was sober enough to remember what she was about to do but also was drunk enough to have the courage.

Pulling up to the back entrance of the hotel she quickly got out of the car and opened the hotel door. Entering the elevator and watching the doors close Taylor suddenly felt nervous. Millions of thoughts ran through her head, "Should I be doing this?", "What if he rejects me?", "What if I lose this friendship we built over my half drunk actions?" Before she could come up with the answers, the silver doors opened on Harry's floor.  Taking a deep breath, Taylor made the journey from the elevator to his room. Knocking three times she stood there waiting at the door. It felt as if Harry was taking hours to open the door to Taylor and she felt her courage slowly dwindling. Getting ready to turn back and leave, the door opened, revealing a white t-shirt and sweat-pant wearing Harry. Dressed so casually he still managed to take Taylor's breath away.

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