Someday, Maybe

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A/N: Hello guys! Finally getting back into writing. This is part 4 to stepping stones. I didn't really have any idea how to continue it but after talking to my a tumblr friend today about the BBMA's, I came up with the idea for this next part. I feel like all us Haylor shippers really need this today so please enjoy. I hope I did my best. Please comment and vote. Comment or message me what you would like to see happen next. Lets get this story to 500!

Harry remembered the day as if it had only happened yesterday. It was a day filled with more pain and heartache than he had ever experienced before, and knew would never forget. Seeing the woman he still deeply cared for and loved with someone else's arm wrapped around her waist, sitting side by side, pained him.

It was the boy's first official awards appearance without Zayn and had taken home two awards. It should've been a night of happiness and celebration, but for Harry it wasn't. It was a night of pure torture as he watched Taylor from afar. Laughing and dancing with her girlfriends, hugging and chatting to fans and receiving congratulatory hugs and words from her boyfriend Calvin. He had tried his hardest to be happy for her as she was with Nadine and Paige. The two were close friends despite the past between the two, but the dynamic had definitely changed when Calvin came into the picture. Their visits had become less frequent as did their texts and calls even when they were in the same city. Harry, of course, knew why it had happened as Taylor didn't want to cause friction so early in her new relationship by talking to an ex boyfriend despite him being a really good friend. He knew that it would be wrong of him to approach her and say hello or receive one of those hugs he enjoyed so much while her current boyfriend was so close by. So for the entire night Harry watched from the other side of the MGM Grand. He did his best to avoid staring at the area in which they were sitting and admiring her beauty, however she made it quite hard for him having won so many awards. He would clap and cheer for her success, knowing how hard she worked to achieve her goals and dreams. Harry watched her current boyfriend, through the corner of his eye, hug her each time she won an award. Every time he pictured himself as the one seated next to her, placing a kiss on her cheek while he and Ed cheered the loudest for her. It hurt him even more that they never got to experience an award show together as her and Calvin was that night. Harry respected Taylor even more as she was no longer afraid and cared for what the media would say about her relationships. She was no longer scared or frightened to face the world, hand in hand, with her boyfriend, fully knowing her fans would always support her no matter what or whom she chose.

Eventually the awards drew to a close while the after parties began in full swing. Too tired from his current cold and heartache from the night, Harry decided to skip the party despite his close friend Ed being one of the hosts. He knew that Calvin and Taylor would kill him even more by flaunting and showing their new love for each other even more now that the camera were no longer following them. Harry sat in his hotel room, dreaming about the night if it had been different. If the two had never broken up by letting the media and fans getting to them or if Harry hadn't been scared to commit to the relationship and hadn't left her while on holiday. If Harry had taken the chance to win her back when they were both single before she found someone else, then maybe he would've have been the one standing next to her. Harry always, and still, believed that the two were meant to be together no matter what had or would happen between them. Before sleep overtook him, he thought that someday, maybe it would be him instead of Calvin.

There he was, wearing a dark suit with a pale blue shirt and purple tie next to a beautiful woman wearing a matching purple dress that made the blue in her eyes even more extraordinary. Standing with his hand around her waist Taylor looked up at Harry with a smile spread across her perfect face. It seemed like yesterday that Harry was daydreaming of supporting and standing next to Taylor at an award show, and today that was happening. It was their first official appearance as boyfriend and girlfriend after having announced it on tumblr and instagram only a few months ago. Despite being together for over a year, everyday felt like the first day, every "I love you" would still produce butterflies in their stomachs. Harry stared into the blue orbs that were looking up at him. Their eyes met and it felt as if the whole world melted away. It was just the two of them. No other celebrities or press, just them. Leaning in, Taylor placed a quick kiss on his lips, the sound of a million shutter clicks pulled the two out of their daze, releasing the photographers were having a field day from the kiss on camera.

Heading inside, the two took their seats in the front row next to Ed and Selena. The night was filled with the two dancing in the front row with kisses, hugs and screaming every time Taylor, Harry or one of their friends would win an award. That night during the ceremony, only once did the 2015 Billboard Music Awards slip into his thoughts, thinking how Calvin was once in his place. However, that soon vanished when Taylor's hand found his before he brought it to his mouth and placed a small kiss. He watched her bring out her phone and read all the comments that her fans were saying, showing him a select few. Watching her smile and awe at the posts brought a warm feeling to Harry's being, knowing posts about them were the reason behind it. She put the phone away before looking up and staring into his green eyes that felt as if they saw her soul. Another smile spread across Taylor's face, accompanying the one already on Harry's. There was no need for words to be spoken in the moment as they way the two looked at each other said it all. They both knew that this wouldn't be their last award ceremony together. They knew it was the first of many that would appear in their journey towards forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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