Chapter 1

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It was a sunny, unsuspecting day when it all crumbled. 10 years earlier she had been approached by a demon who looked like a child and a great mage. They had asked her to join an elite team of knights.

She didn't know why, but she accepted. Perhaps it was because the members promised to be unusual. Perhaps it was because she was tired of doing nothing. Perhaps it was because she was interested in learning about the demon boy. Perhaps it was because of who she believed the mage to be. Perhaps it was all of those reasons.

But no matter the reason why, she accepted. Over the next 10 years, she and the band of misfits bonded. They had earned the name of the 8 deadly sins due to the fact they each bore a tattoo of an animal representing their crime. She was the panther of change (personally she found it hilarious, but that's a story for another day).

The whole kingdom (which she had learned was called Liones) respected the team of criminals. Until they didn't.

On this sunny, unsuspecting day something happened. Something terrible.

She and the rest of the sins were making their way back to the castle to meet with the Holy Knight Grandmaster (the leader of the Holy Knights, second only to the king himself) to report on their previous mission.

And they found him. Dead. He was impaled by countless spears that pinned him to the wall like a puppet on strings. And, as if it were planned, that's when some more holy knights walked in on the scene. The kingdoms worst and most well known criminals who had constant access to the Grandmaster, fully suited up and standing in a room with his violently murdered corpse.

It didn't go well.

No one believed them and so they were forced to scatter, each disappearing to a different place, promising to never come back.

She had shadow-traveled to a dark forest to hide, but first called in an old favor. She had an old mage cast a spell that made everyone who hadn't known her personally forget her existence.

As far as anyone else knew, Nyx The Panther Sin of Change didn't exist. And that's how it became the legend of the Seven Deadly Sins.

For Better or Worse (2.0): Seven Deadly Sins x OCWhere stories live. Discover now