Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's eyes widened at the reveal and the talking pig was clearly a little shocked as well. The pig analyzed her and came to a conclusion,

"You don't look like much, are ya sure you're a sin?"

King and Diane tensed, the brunettes looking at each other. Ban looked a little worried for the pig and so did Escanor, who was slimmed down since the sun had set. Merlin just looked fairly interested in what might happen next.

No one really knew how she would respond, she was the Sin of Change for a reason. Every Sin displayed their crime in some way through their personality or species. Meliodas became wrathful in his demon form, Diane was envious of those who could catch the eye of those she loved, Ban was a thief, King was lazy, Gowther lusted after a heart, Merlin wanted more knowledge, and Escanor was extremely prideful when the sun was up.

And Nyx was unpredictable, chaotic, she could change at the drop of a hat. Most of the Sins had learned what topics to avoid but it was still like walking on eggshells. She chuckled and bent down to his level, meeting his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure. Unless you want to fight me to prove it?"

Her eyes glowed dangerously and she tilted her head. The other Sins collectively took a step back. The talking pig swallowed at the look in her eye.

"I, Hawk, Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal, reject your challenge, due to fear for your well being. I wouldn't want to accidentally kill you, after all, we'll need as many fighters as we can get."

She chuckled again, clearly understanding that he didn't reject her challenge for fear of her own well being. She nodded her head and stood up straight, taking a step back. She turned to her old team and raised an eyebrow.

"You wanna introduce me to the newbies?"

"Oh right, the little lady is the princess of Liones, Elizabeth, and that's Hawk." Ban replied after a moment, pointing to the Princess and animal in turn. She nodded, then blinked, then blinked again. She looked at the princess and squinted her eyes.

"I knew you didn't I?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened slightly before she smiled and nodded.

"Yes, you did. I was only a child back then but I do hold some faint memories of you."

"That makes sense, I apologize for forgetting you. Please don't take it personally, it tends to happen a lot."

Elizabeth nodded, not that troubled by the information.

"Sorry to interrupt but we should get the captain back to Liones now and prepare for the worst." That was Merlin, aside from Nyx and Gowther she was the most analytical of the group. Currently she was a floating orb, which Nyx tentatively recalled was her sacred weapon, though Nyx didn't know why she would choose to take that form, she didn't bother to ask and instead nodded.

"Am I our ride back?"

King nodded, "Aside from Merlin you're the only one here that can mass teleport."

"And unfortunately I'm saving my energy, big spells like that would do more harm than good currently."

Escanor, Diane and King looked especially uncomfortable at the idea of Nyx being the one to teleport them. Ban, Merlin, and Gowther didn't seem to care all that much, probably because 2 of them were unable to feel anything and the 3rd was immortal. Hawk and Elizabeth seemed to pick up on the former 3's nervousness, though Hawk was the one to voice concern.

"What's up with you guys, why do you look so nervous?"

Unfortunately, before he got an answer, Nyx grinned and spread her arms. The cloak didn't have sleeves and so when she raised her arms the black marking covering them stood out clear as day against her skin. The chain-like markings swirled before spreading outwards, off her arms in the form of a black, shadow-like mist that enveloped the group, temporarily dying whatever it touched the same black. And just like that, they were gone.

A/N: So sorry for leaving you all hanging like that, and sorry this is kinda a filler chapter. A lot of shit happened and is happening, and unfortunately I've grown as a person and a writer once again, which means I, once again, have to re-plan this story. Also, for the record, there will be an explanation behind Nyx's abilities, personality, sin, and intrapersonal relationships with the other sins. I'm trying my best not to make her a Mary-Sue but that's surprisingly hard in this universe. Also, yes, her name is based on the Greek Goddess and there will be some correlation between that and her powers.

For Better or Worse (2.0): Seven Deadly Sins x OCWhere stories live. Discover now