Chapter 2

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She spent the next decade wandering once again. Eventually she began to view her time with the Sins as a dream. She couldn't tell whether it was real or not, and it certainly didn't help that everyone forgot she existed. She did however see the wanted posters for the other Sins and it helped somewhat.

She was in a town whose name she didn't bother to learn. Every once in a while she would go into whatever town was closest to the forest she was in at the time, just to keep up with any major affairs. The town itself was rather boring but there was a tavern, and as anyone who works in the information business knows, taverns carry news.

So, she steeled herself to be around an excessive amount of drunk, rowdy humans, and went inside. That was a mistake. Immediately a barrage of sounds and smells assaulted her senses and she instantly regretted entering. But she was already here and the faster she learned of new events the faster she could leave.

She moved to a table in the corner and began switching her attention between conversations, focusing on people who would prove the most useful based on aura and smell. Soon she heard an interesting conversation.

"It's so weird isn't it?"


"How the Seven- er...Eight Deadly Sins were innocent this whole time."

"Oh yeah, I thought for sure they had betrayed the kingdom but it was Hendrickson the whole time! Also, what do you mean 8?"

"Apparently one of them cast a spell to make everyone forget about 'em, but some people still remember."

She stopped listening at that point. They knew she existed? And that the Sins were innocent? And who the hell was Hendrickson?

She was heavily confused and decided to listen around for anything relating to this. She soon learned that Meliodas, the Dragon Sin of Wrath, fought at the capital of Liones against Hendrickson, who turned out to be the new Holy Knight Grandmaster, along with someone named Dreyfus. Turns out Diane, Serpent Sin of Envy, Ban, Fox Sin of Greed, King, Grizzly Sin of Sloth, and Gowther, Goats sin of Lust, were also there, it was even rumored that Merlin, Boars Sin of Gluttony was present. Apparently the only ones who weren't there were Escanor, Lions Sin of Pride, and herself.

She found the fact that 6 Sins were together in the one place they were meant to be avoiding rather suspicious. I wonder if Meli is bringing the band back together. She wasn't sure where to go from here, she could look for the Sins but did she really want to go back to that life?.. Absolutely. Despite some small hiccups, that was the best time of her life.

But there was another reason, a few days earlier she had felt something. She wasn't sure what, but it wasn't good. She had no doubt that at least one of the Sins had felt it too, perhaps they even knew what it was. It didn't matter really, all that mattered was that this was precisely something the Sins would investigate.

She decided she had all the information she needed and got up to leave, but before she was out of the door someone grabbed her wrist. She didn't turn. The person reeked of alcohol and hormones.

"Hey there little lady, do you wanna go around the back with me for some fun?"

He stumbled a little and his words were slurred. She shook him off, not wanting to deal with this right now, she had things she needed to do, primarily find the Sins. When she turned to face him though, something caught her attention from the corner of her eyes.

"No thank you, you should go back to your seat, make sure to be polite from now on."

Her voice was melodic, it was on the low end but that didn't make it any less pleasant. She watched as his eyes glazed over and he nodded numbly, before stumbling back to his seat.

She quickly left as he snapped out of the trance, she hoped no one noticed as she didn't want to deal with the questions. She was however, grateful to the man because without him she wouldn't have noticed the poster hanging on the wall, it was an invaluable lead to those who knew the Sins more personally.

The poster was for a fighting festival. And the winner was granted a single wish, anything they wanted, which sounded like horseshit to her but humans were dumb and desperate people did desperate things. If she knew the Sins as well as she thought she did, then they would be going to that festival, if not for the fighting than for the off-chance that wish was real.

And so she set off for the fighting festival.

For Better or Worse (2.0): Seven Deadly Sins x OCWhere stories live. Discover now