The Book of Warlock 8. Lessons in magic.

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"I am a LayMage from the Council of Sorcerer's, and I mean you no harm!" Lucinder called out in a shrill voice across the expanse of fast flowing water.

Brook gave the lady mage a sharp look from their side of the river. Why she had to open every communication with that funny line, she really didn't know. "Well, I'm not, and I might," she said warningly to the hooded hunters in front of her.

The robed figures gave each other the faintest of glances. This situation was probably far from what they'd expected to deal with when they'd left the safety of their home earlier today. Arrows remained notched, pointed at the nightmare's muscular deep chest.

"Lieutenant, put down your dagger! Bromor, at ease," Anar ordered gruffly with a shout.

"Yes, sir," the goblin dutifully replied, putting away her blade in its notch at her belt, not breaking eye contact with the archers while doing so.

The nightmare snorted and tossed his heavy head, his horn and wings disappearing from view in an instant.

"What are you doing?" Lucinder hissed at the General, "what if they get shot?"

"Well, then, you'll have to give me a crash course in magical healing, won't you?"

Bows were lowered, though still in tight grip at the ready.

"You're travelling through Taur territory, strangers. What is your business?"

"Funny way of saying 'thank you for getting rid of those gnolls'," Brook muttered.

"We should really find a way to cross the river," said Anar, "I don't think my bag will be much help over here."

"I suppose I can use power to traverse us to the other side," Lucinder mused, reluctantly, "or you can call your Nightmare back to carry us."

"I'm stuffed full of magic that's ready to use," he huffed, "I can do it! Just... give me some guidance."

"Oh, gosh, well. Close your eyes, and then, you tell yourself that you're already there."


"But it's more complicated than that!" she blurted, pausing him, "you've got to picture yourself stood where you want to be. The ground has to feel right under your feet, you've got to see your surroundings in your mind's eye."

"General, sir! What am I telling them?" Brook's small voice carried over across the water.

Lucinder rolled her eyes. "Really helps if there's no distractions..."

"Lieutenant, we're coming over to you! Just give me a minute."

The archers raised their bows again, impatiently. The strange group they'd encountered were acting very peculiarly.

"Oh, blimmin' heck," Brook flapped her hands at them to simmer down, "look, we're just passing through, ok? Our fight isn't with you. Whoever you are."

Anar opened his eyes again, squinting at the muddy ground beyond the water. He couldn't quite memorise the terrain. All those tufts of grass, and rocks, it sounded simple but really wasn't. Maybe he should just ask Bromor to come get them. But then, he was never going to learn anything that way, was he?

He took a deep breathe, concentrated as hard as he could, and took Lucinder's hand.

He opened them to see deep into a pair of green eyes.

An arrowhead was poking into his jerkin.

The taur, sunk in its hood, looked startled too.

Lucinder looked around, amazed. "You did it! Wow!"

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