The Book of Warlock 23. The end of the beginning

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  The loud buzz of the intercom rattled from the tinny speaker, rousing Rowan from his gentle dozing. He shuffled his feet back into his slippers, and carefully eased himself out from the plush armchair. He wasn't expecting any visitors. He wasn't anticipating any parcel deliveries, neither. He adjusted the amulet around his neck, feeling its comforting spiked edges. Dalangaar had been with him for quite a few years now, completely unauthorised of course, but you didn't become Senior mage in the Council of Sorcerer's without making a few enemies. The College that the Council oversaw had a few suspicious characters in it, too. It was always wise to have a little magic on hand for emergencies.

He took his time answering the door to his London apartment, whoever it was would hopefully assume he was out, and clear off. Peeking through the spyhole, he frowned. He knew only too well who this was: his so-called successor; the man who had had the audacity to put Rowan on administrative leave. Indefinitely.

The thick, reinforced door slid into deep-pile carpet an inch, and he promptly scowled at his unwelcome visitor; "well now, let's see, why could you be here to pay a visit to my very humble self?" his words dripped with faux sweetness, contrasting sharply to the snarl upon his face, "am I now officially retired? Finally got round to signing off on that paperwork that's been filing for the past four years?"

Bryce took the sarcasm well. It was true that Rowan had been replaced by him, while Rowan was still officially holding the post of Senior mage. The Council knew that this would stop Rowan for filing for unfair dismissal, or stirring up a shitstorm with HR. Taking away someone's power had consequences. Instead, they put power on hold. Underhand tactics, they may be, but they were effective. He went to speak; he'd been debating exactly how to say what he needed to say, but Rowan cut in again.

"I know why you're here," he opened the door all the way and swept a hand, inviting Bryce inside his luxurious home. "I knew this would happen! I warned you..."

"You did. I owe you an apology, Rowan. The magic-wielder known as Warlock has, er, caused us some trouble." Bryce draped his beautiful cloak on the hatstand and took a seat, clasping his hands over his crossed knees.

Rowan sat facing him. "Everything you need to know is written down...", he trailed off. "You never kept any of my testimony did you? You prat! I told you everything; all about his magic, his bloody magic animals! He tried to bring about the destruction of the entire universe!"

Bryce nodded, patiently, "mistakes, it seems, were made. We need to learn from them so we can move forward."

Rowan thumped the armrest, "don't give me that board-speak crap! You labelled me as a crazy old codger, that's what you did! And now you've come here, wringing your hands, begging for information and help."

Bryce nodded. It was true.

"What did the Warlock do?" he asked.

Bryce rubbed his chin.

"I can kick you out, you know, I can tell you it serves you damn right..."

"He stole powerful weapons from the high-security holding facility."

Rowan was back on his feet in a flash, pacing by the fireplace. "That holding facility's security is shocking," he said. He should know, he'd stolen some choice items from there himself, before facing the funny grey animal at the alien citadel. Fudged paperwork could do wonders. "His magic is on a level we could only dream about. I faced him off with the Staff of Milath and he drained it in minutes! He's a dragon in disguise! He was about to take control of a Tri-Corn horn sceptre when we landed upon the scene. He will stop at nothing. While he is alive and in full capacity, the entire universe is in peril. He has an army of frightening flying beasts at his side! If you're going to take him down, you'll need every charm, every amulet, every magic-imbued staff you have at hand. Maybe more." He turned to face his guest, who was sat very still, trying to stay composed and calm. "I can help you. I know a way we can make this danger disappear. But there is a price. You know that."

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