The Final Four Hundred

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Four hundred people are left on Earth and are tasked to rebuild and repopulate. The people were split into four different bunkers, each with 25 women and 75 men, when the bombs came down. After 1,563 years when the radiation is no longer lethal they emerge from cryosleep to the wasteland above and form tribes with different values.

One tribe pairs 3 men to each woman to live with as a family unit. They live, eat, sleep and care for one another. Women are worshipped above all and cared for first. They chose this way for the simplicity in keeping the genes more varied.

Another tribe allows anyone to be with anyone and anytime as long as there is consent. Partners have open relationships. The group that survived in this shelter were chosen for their openness in their sexual lives.

The third tribe has decided to have ritualistic matings but have choice in partners. They do this to allow intimacy while keeping the gene pool open for the future generations.

And the final tribe is run by men who beat their women into submission and use them as breeding stock for anyone to use. These people came from a place that already looked down on women.

Multiple generations later and there is no longer a need for repopulation but the rituals chosen by their ancestors still stand.

My idea is this would be a series where there is a book for each tribe and then one where the epic clash of the tribes occurs. Idk, I just had a burst of inspiration for this world building.

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