Chapter One ꒰ ˶• ༝ - ˶꒱ ./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.~♡︎

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Y/n's Pov:

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Y/n's Pov:

I woke up extremely tired. I guess that's what I deserve for staying up to finish that stupid book. I was hardly able to get up. It was getting harder and harder to get up and do things. But I got up nonetheless and slipped on my uniform. I put bandaids over the marks on my arms before going to the bathroom to brush my hair and such. I looked at my reflection and sighed. This is as good as it's gonna get. Once I was done getting ready I grabbed my skateboard and rode it to the bus stop. It was a beautiful board that I had painted myself. On the bottom of the deck was a purple dragon breathing out green fire. When I got to the bus stop I was just in time to see my friend Miya do a trick so he could catch a ball that had gone in the wrong direction. The bus came shortly after and we boarded the bus. "You're such a showoff, Miya." "No, I'm just good at skateboarding." I rolled my eyes and put in my earbuds. I was going with him to Dope Sketch so he could challenge a somewhat talented skateboarder to a beef. When we got to the bus stop we got out and rode our skateboards to the shop. When we came in they knew exactly who we were. Miya was famous both at S and out. He was very good at skateboarding and did a lot of competitions. He also participated in S, an illegal skateboarding race. We were both very good racers at S. I went by Lilith and wore a mask when there. For certain reasons I wasn't really meant to be seen. But sometimes people knew it was me. Miya proposed his race to Langa, the boy with blue hair. I was bored so I thought I might do something. I spoke up. "You. The redhead. I challenge you to a beef." I hardly looked up from my phone when I did it but he could tell I meant business. "O-okay! Deal!" I chuckled and looked him in the eye. "This should be fun." I winked and walked out with Miya. I hated eye contact most of the time. But if I could strike fear in the person I was making it with then I would put up with my fears. We got back on the bus and headed to school. I hated school with a passion. It just got in the way of my day sleeping. I was a pretty nocturnal person which worked out nicely seeing as S took place at 12:00 am. We walked into our first period and I sat down in the very back of the class. Miya sat in front of me and took away my earbuds. "Jerk." "Hey without me you wouldn't be alive okay." He gave me a head pat and then turned back around. He had a point. I wasn't really living for much.

Time skip to after school~

Miya's Pov:

She had fallen asleep any chance she got.  Y/n slept all through lunch and was hardly able to get up after that. I was worried about her. No one really cared about her at all. I mean I guess her dad cared in his own special way. We were on the bus on the way home. Y/n was asleep laying her head on my shoulder. Her dad was a pretty important in the government or something like that. I had met him a few times. He was also one of the main founders of S. He was keeping a close eye on me and my competitions. The bus stopped and I was going to ride with y/n back to her house but she insisted that I didn't. So I rode my skateboard back to my house.

Y/n's Pov:

I was riding my skateboard down a route that I created forever ago, back to my little apartment. I would have lived with my dad in his big mansion but I hated that idea. I loved my dad in a way but I hated being around him. I could never live up to his standards. I was sometimes present with him at events but that wasn't often. The press would sometimes stop me on the street and ask me questions but I would just brush them off. My dad had also wanted to homeschool me but I hated that idea too. I also wanted to be as far removed from those aunts of his. They had abused me constantly when I was around them. So here I was in this little apartment that he paid for. I got a weekly allowance of $500 to pay for groceries and whatever else. I got to the apartment and I unlocked the door and walked in. "Hello, darling." Oh wonderful. A visit from daddy dearest. "Hello, father." "How is school going? Are you excelling?" "I have an A in everything but math. I have a D in that." He clicked his tongue. "That won't do now will it?" I shook my head and he backhanded me. "Do better, darling," he looked down at me and put his finger under my chin and continued, "You know I love you right?" I nodded my head holding back the tears. He left and I was there on the floor. After a couple minutes I collected myself and went back to my room. I took off my uniform and put on some shorts and a huge sweatshirt that Joe had given me forever ago. Joe and Cherry/Kaoru were like uncles to me. They were founders of S along with my dad. They had known me ever since I was born. I had been a teenage pregnancy for my mom and that had been the start of the many troubles I caused in people's lives. My dad had been 17 when he found out that I would be born. After my birth my mom just left the baby with my dad. That was probably why his aunts hated me so much. I almost ruined his career. How unfortunate that I didn't. I laid on the bed and took a nap for several hours. I was woken up by a call from "Cat Boy".
Miya: Were you asleep, you little slime?
Me: Yes. Ya got an issue with that, my little cat boy~
Miya: Don't call me that!!!
I just laughed at this. He did look like a cat when he wore his S outfit. It was a green hoodie with cat ears and he had a purple tail attached to his shorts.
Me: Anyway what did you need?
Miya: Could we FaceTime and play Animal Crossing together?
I looked at the time. It was 9:30 pm.
Me: Eh. Sure why not. I can call for a couple hours.
We switched to FaceTime and played Animal Crossing for about an hour and a half. After that Miya sat on FaceTime with me and made sure I did my homework. I turned on my light so that I could see what I was doing and Miya gasped.
Me: Yeah, yeah, I know I look ugly okay.
Miya: No it's not that. Where did you get that bruise?
Me: What bruise?!
Miya: The one on your face...
I got up and went to the bathroom. I had a black and purple bruise across my cheekbone. I went back to my room and sat at my desk.
Me: It's nothing, I just ran into something when I got home.
He seemed pretty skeptical but he let it go. I finished my homework and we hung up. It was 10:50 pm right now so I thought I would go take a shower. Once I got out I blow dried my hair and got ready.

Skating outfit:

  Skating outfit:

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I always wore this when I went to S

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I always wore this when I went to S. I liked it and enjoyed skating in it. Once I was dressed I did my make-up. It was nothing fancy, just some mascara and eyeliner. Once that was all ready I put on my mask and walked outside.

I got a ride from someone to go to S

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I got a ride from someone to go to S. It changed practically every time I went. I was excited and not excited at all to do a race. I was tired as hell but it was always fun to race. And I was excited to hand this redhead's ass to him. I think his name was Reki but I had no idea. Me and Reki were going first. "Alright, the stakes for this beef are... hmmm... how about the loser owes the winner $100 dollars?" Reki seemed a little worried about this but agreed nonetheless. I scoffed. Idiot. He's about to lose and he agrees to that. It'll be fun to watch him get the money for me. The timer went off and I started to run at top speed. I threw my board down and jumped on it like it was nothing. My dad did a similar thing when starting out. I was probably going far too fast for it to be safe but I was doing it anyway. Not like I care about this life anyway. I was in the lead but that redhead was persistent as hell. I got bored so I did some tricks to spice things up. The bystanders seemed to like that they cheered each time I successfully did one. I finished in first by a decent bit but Reki was pretty close behind. When we were done he held out his hand for a handshake but I pulled him into an embrace and then gave him a noogie. "Ack! Lilith stop!" I did and we went back up to watch Miya and Langa's race. Soon after they started we jumped into Shadow's car so we could drive down and watch how the race went. Langa did some pretty impressive stuff but I was cheering for Miya of course. In the end Langa won. Miya seemed pretty bummed out. That's when Reki flicked him in the forehead. I was about to beat that dumb ass up when he said that Miya needed to start having fun while skating and that he would always have them as friends. Then I heard a familiar voice and people started whispering "Adam".

My Cat Boy - Miya Chinen x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя