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( a 2yeon chapter for y'all 🤪 )

" nayeonie~ " the younger whined, making nayeon hiss as she rolled her eyes. jeongyeon had called her name for a whole hour now and she couldn't stand it

nayeon slapped jeongyeons hands from her waist not too harshly, but not too calmly too, and it made jeongyeon hiss in pain

" what do you want jeong? can't you see that i am chopping the vegetables? i swear if i get even a small cut on my finger i will seriously kill you " pointing the knife at the youngers chest, she continued to chop the vegetables

nayeon would usually at least give her a kiss on the cheek, but she was too angry this time and it made jeongyeon wonder

what is wrong with my wife 

not wanting to get in trouble, she walked to her five year old's room, watching as junhee played with mina's child, reiko

yes ─ mina had a child, but her fans didn't know about it, reiko was a two year old just like junhee

the first time junhee and reiko both met was on a valentines day, when the couple made mina babysit junhee, and ever since then they had got along

" junhee, can mama join? " jeongyeon was desperate to do something, she was dying out of boredom now

before junhee could say anything, reiko cut her off " yes you can ! " reiko is an angel indeed, just like mina

entering her kids room, she took out her phone and speaker " WHO WANTS TO DANCE AND SING SONGS? " the kids eyes widened

" ME ! "


" right...which one of you started this mess? " nayeon asked, holding a spatula in hand, staring at her wife, daughter and daughter's friend who were all looking like they broke her vase

embarrassed, jeongyeon slowly raised her hand, as her palm got hit hard with the spatula " yoo jeongyeon why are you so dumb? " raising a brow, nayeon hand her hands around her hips which made jeongyeon look up

"  "

" YOU DIDNT LET ME JOIN THE FUN " nayeon yelled, pouting, which made the younger sigh in relief

" WAH ─ "

" what are you rats waiting for? LETS GO HAVE FUN " and before they knew, they got dragged by a certain female bunny who had almost made them kill themselves from the fear

and the whole house was filled with singing, it was so loud that they didn't realize how mina and sana went to pick up reiko.

it has been a habit for me to
randomly update every two days-

alsoo happy late bday to
tzuuuchou  !

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