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" oi ! minatozaki at least eat your breakfast " mina got out of the apartment, sana stayed over at mina's place last night

but sana had already ran her way to the company, not even a week after i started working and i am late, i am so gonna get in trouble

sana arrived right on time, as she panted heavily

" sana unnie, why are you late?! " she heard a scolding coming from the young actress

standing up from her position, sana gave tzuyu a very ' dangerous ' glare before she yelled at her ─ trying to make sure she isn't too loud

" you ! you could have told me that you had a shooting today instead of lying, i swear i feel like ki ─" sana couldn't even finish her sentence as she was dragged away

back to her office.


" zhou, we can't do this " sana felt weird as she watched the younger act a scene where the male and female lead were about to kiss.

she didn't know why, she felt that she wanted to just be the male lead instead.

" xi lan, if you keep on talking then we might ACTUALLY get caught " the male actor - riley wang yilun - had already pinned the younger between the library, they had their college wear on

sana felt her anger boil the moment his nose touched tzuyu's nose as he tilts his head to a side

and before their lips could touch, sana stopped the shoot

" stop ! " standing up, the squirrel had then realised how much attention she drew, but quickly covered up for her embarrassment " i am pretty sure that they feel hungry right now.... shouldn't we give them a break? right tzu? " even tzuyu was confused, why did sana wrap her hand around her neck and why did she stop the shooting so quick?

sana secretly pushed the actor away, as the director nodded " i agree on you with that, how about you two order something to eat and after like ten minutes we can restart the scene " and that's when tzuyu got dragged out of the scene, and she was forced to sit on the couch while sana just gave her the phone

" order what you want ─ also tell your director that i don't really like this riley wang, his acting is all fine but i don't think it's safe around him " sana gulped, and tzuyu just blinked at her twice

" unnie it's just a drama, and that too we only have a week left before the drama shooting ends " tzuyu explained ─ as the the squirrel could hear, she was too jealous to even think of whatever happened in the real world

without a word, sana left tzuyu who felt pretty confused on what just happened to her

" okay i guess just don't admit your jealousy " tzuyu mumbled before she ordered her food.

anyone miss me?

btw i updated today since i have a competition tomorrow :')

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