Open The Door - Reylo

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Ben has been messing up, and he knew it.

I was meant to be yours

He ran all the way from the campus.

We were meant to be one

He ran faster than he ever did before.

I can't take it alone

All the way towards the student dorms, which, unfortunately was in a separate building, he thought about the way he hurt her.

Finish what we've began

The way they fought.

You were meant to be mine

The way she ran off crying.

I am all that you need

He finally arrived.

He ran up the stairs, even though her dorm was on the tenth floor – taking the elevator will take too much time.

You carved open my heart

He knocked on the door, praying that someone will open, and like someone actually listened to his prayers, Rose, her roommate, opened the door.

"Ben! I-" She started, but Ben cut her off.

"Is Rey here?"

"Well, she is, but she won't let anyone in, she hasn't spoken to me in days!"

Can't just leave me to bleed

He didn't need to hear anymore.

He ran towards Rey's room – a room full of memories: happy ones, as well as sad ones.

"Rey!" He called her name.

No answer.

"Rey, open the, open the door please...
Rey, open the door!"

No answer.

"Rey, can we not fight anymore, please...
Can we not fight anymore?"

Still no answer.

"Rey, sure you're scared, I've been there,
I can set you free!"


"Rey, don't make me come in there...
I'm, going to count to three!

Fuck it."

He started opening the door, and each moment felt like eternity.

"Oh my god..."

He didn't expect what he saw.

She was seating on the edge of the window in her room, ready to jump down.

Her room was a mess; tears stained her face like paint.

"Rey... Please don't leave me alone..." He begged her, slowly approaching her, tears streaming down his face. "You are all I can trust..."

She got back to the room now.

"I can't do this alone..." He continued, falling down on his knees, his shoulders slightly going up and down as he quietly sobbed.

He could never forgive himself for what he has done.

He was being an idiot and he hated himself for that...

If she had jumped – No. He can't think like that... She was safe and that's all that matters.

He wasn't worthy of having her by his side; he was way out of her league.

"I... I'm sorry..." He managed to choke out between sobs.

"I know..." She replied, her voice a little shaky as well.

Ben didn't expect what came next.

Rey slowly walked towards him, unsure of herself. She knelt down to his level, and wrapped her hands around him.

"And I forgive you."

He looked up from the floor, shocked.

He was certain that she hated him now, that she would never wan to see his face again, yet, here he was.

He wasn't sure how she would react when he was on his way to her dorm: she could've been mad, happy, sad, but he didn't understand why she reacted the way that she did, and maybe he'll never know either, but for now, he'll stay with her until fate will pull them apart, if it ever will.

That was a promise he was never going to break.

Because he was meant to be hers and she was meant to be his.

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