Silent Tears - Random

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Keep your feet pointed.

Keep your legs straight.

Don't let your arms look like spaghetti.

She kept repeating these corrections over and over again in her head as heard the music play in the background.

She looked as her partner held her waist, and she walked around him, and then spinning away from him.

She mentally slapped herself as she spun only two times instead of three, but there was no time to waste; she ran to the other side of the studio, getting ready for the next part of the dance.

She got a quick glance of the mentor that had a slight look of disappointment in her eyes, making her want to cry, but she couldn't break down, she couldn't cry, not right now, at least.

Run to the front.

Lay down on the floor.

Fold your legs.

Keep them pointed.

Roll back.

She flinched as her back started hurting, but she couldn't stop, so she put a smile on her face, and continued to dance until the music stopped.

All of the group collapsed on the floor, and she hoped to hear the words that she had been waiting to hear for six years, but as usual, the mentor said goodnight and everyone went home.

As she arrived home, she ate some of her grandmother's soup, the taste of childhood spreading across her body.

After that, she pulled out all of the bobby pins that held her tight ponytail in place, as well as the black hair ties, letting her dark brown hair loose.

She entered the shower, washing away all the sweat and the insane amount of hair gel that was on her hair.

She collapsed on the shower floor, silent tears flowing down her face, mixing with the water.

She never asked for a lot, she was always happy with what she had, but she had been working her ass off for one single solo part. She didn't care which solo part, as long as it was one - weather if it was one minute or ten seconds, weather if it was in an important solo or not, she just wanted to be proud of herself, knowing that she did it by herself, other than other people that had their path already set for them by other family members.

She always hoped for that little moment of fame, but deep inside she knew that she would never get it.

She will never be good enough.

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