Chapter 6

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In the last month James dated three girls, the first one was only one date and he noticed really quick that they didn't fit, so they didn't go on a second date.

With the second girl, they had a lot of fun on their first date, and a great kiss at the end of the date. So, he asked her out on a second date, that one didn't go well, she spoke a lot about her ex-boyfriend, and she was out of sorts.

Then he dated Dorcas, to go out with her is great, they have a lot of fun together. They kiss sometimes and speak a lot about their friends.

Dorcas is in Ravenclaw and is really smart, he likes that in a girl. The only problem is she's not Lily... and his thoughts about boys, how can he be sure that he doesn't like to be with boys better than with girls if he doesn't try it? But he doesn't want to scare his friends away, so he dates girls.

He doesn't know how his friends are gonna react to the fact that he perhaps could not be straight. Sirius comes from the noble house of Black and was told a thousand times that such behaviour is wrong. Remus has a muggle mother, and he doesn't know how muggles think about sexuality. Peter... he doesn't know, he seems ok with everything he does, but he is touchy in sexual themes, so it could be a problem for him.

Dorcas is great, she really is. He likes her and the kisses are good, but something's missing, they are like good friends goofing around, the fire is missing. He is learning a lot tough, how to kiss and touch a girl and he is having a good time.

They also went a few times out with Sirius and Marlene, that was really fun, James and Sirius made a lot of jokes and the four of them laughed a lot. They never kissed while they were the fourth of them, it didn't feel right.

Now Dorcas doesn't want to go out with Marlene and Sirius anymore, James doesn't know why, but he respects her wishes. He is now going to see her, and he doesn't know how he feels.

"Hey Potter! Look where you're going!" he didn't see Lily on his way.

"Hi Evans, sorry, I was inside my head"

"No shit" she rolls her eyes at him "what were you thinking about?" if she wants to know... he doesn't think too long and begins to speak.

"Girls? I don't know... how do you know when to try harder and when to let it go?" how can he explain himself better?

"Oi! When did we become such good friends to ask me about your girls' problems?" he should have known better, Lily doesn't see him as her friend, not yet, what was he thinking talking to her about girls?

"They aren't problems and sorry, forget what I said" James wants to go away, he needs a friend to talk about everything he has in his head, and this friend cannot be Lily Evans.

"I'm messing with you! We can speak about girls" she is laughing now, and he feels a lot better. "What do you want to know?" ok, why not talk to her? She's his friend, perhaps she can help him.

"I dunno, if the kisses are good, but not passionate, can they become intense with time?"

"Well, I don't think so, but I don't know a lot either, I kissed a few boys, but it was never intense, sometimes even boring and I don't think it would have gotten better with time or practice" he doesn't like that she kissed boys, but he also wants to kiss boys, so he can't be jealous. Or he is jealous that she can go, and kiss boys and he can't!

"Ok, thanks Evans. I have to go. Bye"

"Bye Potter" he has to go find Dorcas, he has to kiss her and find out if it's better than in the beginning.

"Hi Dorcas, I was looking for you"

"Hi James, wanna go somewhere private?"

"yeah, let's go"

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