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Kai doesn't mind the more feminine aspects of his being. He doesn't mind the way his hips curve, his soft yet sharp features, facial and other. He embraces his femininity, enjoys wearing skirts and sweaters that are classified as "women's clothes," and putting on eyeliner just because it makes him feel good.

Compared to most people, he's done his fair share of experimenting. However, there's one thing he's never tried before.

Wearing a dress. He could wear skirts all day every day, but dresses were just a line he didn't know if he was ready to cross.

The thought hadn't even occurred to him until a week before, when he and Zane were out in the shopping district of New Ninjago City. It had been one of the first few days after the rainy season had ended, the sky was blue without a cloud in sight, and the whole city was outside, taking advantage of the beautiful day after weeks of rain.

They'd been walking beside the window display of a clothing boutique, and Kai was gazing at the clothes when he'd seen a dress on one of the mannequins that caught his eye. A black, shoulder-less, long-sleeved dress that would be perfect for both a night out with friends and a fancy charity dinner.

The fabric was shiny, almost as if the dress were made of leather, and to say that Kai fell in love with it immediately would be the understatement of the century.

That dress was made for him, he had to have it and he had to have it NOW.


A few days later, here he was, standing in front of him and Zane's shared closet in their bedroom, avoiding looking downwards as he smoothed his hands down over his sides.
He didn't know exactly what spurred him to try on the dress, it had been sitting in the back of their closet for the past few days, ever since he'd bought it as a spur-of-the-moment purchase.

He took a few deep, shaky breaths, moving to stand in front of their full-body mirror, and with one last breath, he forced himself to look at his reflection.

When he made eye contact with himself, a light gasp escaped his mouth. Kai blinked at himself, running his hands down his sides again before turning around in a circle to the left, then to the right, getting a 360 view of his entire body.

He huffed out a gasp as he examined himself in the mirror; even though the dress was his size, it was thin, tight, and almost too short for him. It put the feminine curve of his hips and the majority of his thighs on full display, and he blushed a bit when realizing this. It's not like he was ashamed of his body or anything, it was just that he'd never seen this much of his legs at one time, and it was a bit.. surprising..

His heart jumped a bit, startled, when he heard Zane, who had decided to come look for him, rap on their bedroom door.

From behind the door, Zane softly inquired, "Kai, love? Are you okay?" Kai immedietly blankscreened, scrambling over his words in his rush to answer.

Y-yes! I-I'm good. You can come in."

Zane's socked feet entered the room as the door opened, and Kai didn't turn around until they stopped. Kai turned around and folded his arms to his chest as he stared shyly at Zane, the blush on his face deepening as Zane's eyes wandered over him.

"Hey..." Kai smiled coyly as Zane moved closer to him, hands hovering over the other's waist as if he wasn't sure whether they could touch or not. Kai pressed his lips together before taking Zane's hands and placing them on his waist before resting his own hands on Zane's chest.

"Hello." Zane replied, his face breaking into a soft smile, "You look pretty." He commented, running his hands along Kai's hips.

Kai's blush deepened further, his face now a dark shade of red, but he smiled nonetheless.

Pretty... yeah... he could get used to this.

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