The Fifth Date

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[A/N: This is set in the past when Kai and Zane first began going on dates! Just a heads up for context.. ALSO PLEASE. I BEG YOU. Listen to the song while reading this, I listened to it while writing it and I think it just matches way too well, especially the part that starts with, "Paint an X, over where it hurts the most" OH MY GAWSH]


Kai and Zane's fifth date was, to put it bluntly, the best date either man had ever been on.

At the Pavilion, they ate delicious bowls of noodles from Chen's Noodle House before taking a walk around the area, strolling under the fairy lights strung up around the pavilion and just chatting. Kai had been bathed in that light, looking beautiful as the golden glow reflected off his honey-colored irises, making them look like they were speckled with gold.

They'd laughed and joked with each other, telling stories and talking till it was dark outside, and the stars were starting to sparkle over the still bustling city, and the ride home had been spent in comfortable silence, filled with shy glances and blushing smiles. They walked down the hallway of Kai's building arm in arm, Kai's head resting on Zane's shoulder with a soft smile gracing his face, and when they reached Kai's door Zane didn't want to let go of him.

"Thank you for this Zane," Kai hummed, removing his head from the other's shoulder and smiling at him, as Zane silently mourned the absence of the warmth Kai provided.

"Yeah!" Zane replied, smiling back, "This was fun."

The two men stared at each other for a while in silence, before they both laughed a bit and looked away from each other, faces flushed pink.

"Uhm- Well, you're home safe... So, I guess I should get going..." Zane said, clearing his throat, and Kai's eyes widened as he looked down at his shoes.

"U-Uh- Yeah, Yeah I guess.."

Zane turned, and began to head down the hallway, but he only got about five steps away when Kai called after him.

"Hey, Zane?"

Zane turned back, his eyes wide and blinking. Standing in front of his door, Kai glanced at him from under his dark eyelashes while he pushed a stray hair behind his ear.

Still puzzled, Zane answered, "Yeah?" as Kai made his way over to the taller man, he tilted his head innocently as he spoke.

A smile crept its way across Kai's face as he pressed his bottom lip between his teeth. "You wanna come inside?" he asked.

Inhaling a shaky breath, Zane parroted, "Come I-inside?" Kai hummed, "Mmhm..." and reached over to take a hold of his pale blue turtleneck sweater, pulling him along back down the hallway.

"Come on, let's go," Kai said, his voice taking on a sterner and a much more suggestive tone, that drew Zane in like a siren song. 

As he leaned into the vice-like grip on his sweater, Kai tugged him forward, and he found himself letting the other man pull him into the apartment in a daze, as the air around them grew warmer by the second.


Some time later, they were on the couch, and Zane was a bit- distracted..

Okay let's be honest, he was completely, absolutely, undoubtedly gone.

Lost in a state of complete and total ecstasy and bliss and want and all these other feelings swirling around in his head and coursing through his body, it was exciting and terrifying, and it felt like his blood had been replaced with pure electricity because holy cow Kai was irresistible.

The shafts of moonlight that were slipping through the half-closed blinds separated Kai's figure in bars of darkness and light, his amber eyes glowing in the shard of darkness covering the top part of his face as he sat straddling the man beneath him.

His skin was hot under Zane's hands, even through the fabric of the shirt he was wearing, as they slid up Kai's torso, then moving down again to settle around his waist as their lips slotted together for the he-didn't-even-know-th time tonight. 

It was sloppy, clumsy, and almost uncoordinated, all teeth and tongues, with a few breathless chuckles and pants sprinkled in between.

Their lips separated, and Zane was immediately longing for them to be connected again, to feel Kai's lips on his so he could get another rush of that amazing feeling-

"You good?" Kai panted quietly above him, his amber-gold eyes staring into Zane's ice blue ones.

"Mmhm," Zane managed to mumble a response despite his current state, "M'great."

"M'kay, just checking." Kai responded, shifting on Zane's lap a bit so he could wrap his arms around his neck.

"You're so beautiful.." Zane murmured as their lips locked again, and when they separated he could see, even in the dimly lit room, that Kai's face had taken on the most beautiful red. 

Zane watched as the other man stressed his bottom lip in between his teeth, something that seemed to be a habit, before opening his mouth to speak again.

"Wanna keep going?"




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