Chapter 2

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kai's POV

"ah, finally!" i say as my feet land on the grass in front of the salvatore house in mystic falls in 2012. "long time no see mystic falls... j'ya miss me?"

shit, i was talking out loud as if the damn place was a person standing next to me. maybe being stuck in a prison world reliving may 10th 1994 for 18 years has quite literally driven me to go insane. I laugh at the thought. i'm already insane. oh! did i mention i can't see color either? this dumb world we live in, right? get this, no one can see color until they meet their soulmate. what kind of dumb shit is that? beats me!

its at this time that i decide to enter the salvatore house. i was gonna make a dramatic entrance until i saw my siblings, liv and luke, practically sprinting into the house. all that crosses my mind is that i should have killed them when i had the chance and i laugh to myself once again.

i duck so they wouldn't see me. its probably something important and why would i want to ruin the special moment going on inside the dumb house. i steer clear out of the way in case anyone else showed up. but all of a sudden i feel curiousness bubbling up inside me. i know bonnie and damon arrived back here a while ago. and trust me i'd know, they left me. what the hell could be going on in there that's so important? my feet lead me to the door to peek in. my stupid twin siblings, to my convenience, left the door open wide enough for me to slip in quietly.
"how nice of them!" i whisper sarcastically under my breath

i here a muffled chattering coming from the living room as i find a new spot to hide. it happened to be behind a bookcase. "i... i can see. i can see color."  a distinct female voice said

it took me a second to process. that's what's so important? how pathetic.

"wow wow wow she can see color, whoopty do!" i whisper to myself. but as i do, it processes through my mind... so can i.

is this some sort of fucked up spell? did my father find out i finally escaped his hell? is this his big plan to fuck with my head? increase my vulnerability? good thing i don't believe one bit about that shit.

but what if it's real, kai?  my subconscious voice says in the back of my head. she's a room and a half away. it took a second to realize that subconscious me is right. she is a room and a half away. a few steps and i could meet her right now.

but how could someone like you have a soulmate? you've been locked away for years for your fucked up actions. you're a horrible person, malachai. my subconscious tells me. see, the thing about being a sociopath and not caring and blah blah blah, it seems great... and it is at times. but, sociopaths like me have this stupid voice that still makes it seem like caring is possible. im not capable of feelings. and i like it that way. and with that being said, i ignore the voice in my head . i may not have emotions but i can still have a soulmate. there was no reason why i couldn't.

i slowly pry myself away from my hiding spot ive come to be quite attached to, it was comfy, and walked toward the voices. suddenly i feel nervous. why i'm nervous is a concept i can't grasp as it wasn't normal for me to feel nervous. it bothered me.

here goes nothing. i tell myself before actually moving my legs to walk.

bailey's POV

everyone gathered around as i watched the world around me fade into color for the first time but i ignored them. i didn't even realize that liv and luke showed up to watch the show. in reality i wanted to be left alone. i wanted to experience this alone. or with my actual soulmate. wait. my soulmate!  they have to be here right now. how else would this be happening? it couldn't be anyone in the room. i started panicking. what is this wasn't real. what if it was all some stupid trick?

Soulmate from HellOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant