Chapter 8 ღ

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As the phone call interrupted the moment, you got up and walked to talk to the person, it was Takemichi, you don't know how he got your number but you asked what was wrong, and he said "Someone's going to ambush toman and kill Draken" You knew this already and you said "I'm on my way" Baji looked confused, you said you had to go and he understood, you hugged him and he hugged you back as you both parted different ways. You ran too a a nearby shed as it started to rain, then you heard a familiar voice, it was Kiyomasa, he was saying something but you couldn't quite heard because of the rain. But then you heard Takemichi's voice there too, and you burst out running. They all seen you and Kiyomasa smirked "Well if it isn't the lovely 'Y/n-chin' " he said while laughing, You looked pissed. Some of his men tried to attack you but you dodged it and protected Takemichi from all of them, suddenly you seen a glimpse of Peh there, you knew what he was gonna do so you took Takemichi and bolted for an exit but you almost tripped due to the rain. 

You seen Mitsuya from a distance and almost collapsed with Takemichi in your grasp, you were out of breath, and Mitsuya helped you stand up a bit while you were explaining all of you were running towards the parking lot where Emma and Draken were walking, you bolted towards them and Draken was about to get hit and you pushed the both of them so that they both wouldn't get hurt but you did instead. You said you wouldn't fight but here you are ready to fight Peh, then more members you didn't recognize showed up, you had a disgusted look on your face while you were getting ready to fight to protect your friends, you heard something echo in the distance, from that you knew it was Mikey. You tried to hold your balance but almost fell, Mikey soon arrived and you were relieved of it. You heard more echos of engines a few minutes later, You smiled as you were ready to take on everyone even with a with dirty clothes. Everyone arrived soon after that, and then a tall dude with his hair spiked up and a blonde part in the middle came out, You knew who he was, it was Hanma Shuji, he had tattoos on both hands and he seemed to be flexing them, you started to giggle and he looked down at you.(What a weirdo) you thought as you looked at him with a jaded look to your face. He smiled at you which you thought was weird, he was really tall compared to you, You were only 4'10 at 14 years old and you couldn't do anything about it so he towered over you completely. Mikey and him introduced themselves, you just looked at them weirdly but you kept on balancing on one foot to keep yourself steady for when the fight begins. Then the fight started, people were colliding with others and you were trying to defend yourself then a man came at you and you jumped back away from him as he tried to come even closer, your eyes looked emotionless as you kicked his jaw. You were getting started, to you this was just warming up even with some sort of head trauma you were still holding up well...

Sorry guys or whoever is reading!!, I think I messed up with publishing this story and this story is still ongoing, sorry that it says complete when it's not!, Ty for waiting and I'll try to upload a few chapters daily if I can!! ^^ bye bye now 👋≧◉ᴥ◉≦

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