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  A few months passed, and Germaine's and Roxanne's relationship kindled into a close friendship. The girls would hang out with each other almost every day. With Roxanne having to sneak out, of course.

  At the moment, Germaine wasn't around to cure her boredom. So Roxanne had to resort to different matters.

  She was done with all of her chores, so her parents wouldn't be bothering her soon. So, she pulled out a large, old book that she hid under her bed. The golden words and intricate patterns on the cover have dulled by dust and age. Though, she appreciated the book still being able to hold itself together.

  The ancient book contained information about magic and the different creatures that wield it. Gods, demons, shadows, reapers, kitsunes, it had all of them.

  Roxanne was lucky enough to find such a book. She found it when she snuck out one time to explore around. There was an old, destroyed home that caught her interest. And within this house was this ancient relic that she now adores.

  She turned the old papyrus pages gently. Hoping she wouldn't accidentally tear a page. And from there, she saw the picture she was looking for. The page contained a drawing of her favorite goddess, Astral.

  It described the goddess of the stars as a kind woman. She used her powerful magic for her people and others. Unfortunately, the world tends to dislike kindness, and tragedy has befallen the goddess.

  An unknown presence killed her. Her death sent her husband into a depression and he became colder over the years. That's all Roxanne knew about them. Both Astral and her unknown husband had the least amount of information written in this book.

  Despite this, she still adored Astral the most. She glimpsed at the picture of her sword. A sword made of stars and the purest of crystals. It was a powerful weapon. Where it went, Roxanne will never know. She skimmed a few more pages and read about other deities and different magic.

  Why the arcane intrigued her, to begin with, was a mystery to Roxanne. All she knew was that this was the only book she found joy in reading, ever. She then glanced outside at the reddish-orange palette of the sunset sky. The existence of sorcery in itself was debatable. She wanted to believe it was real, but that pesky hesitance held her back.

  One thing, for certain, is that with that power, she could prove her worth to everyone around her. Especially her family.

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