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Welcome humans and other species

Older kook , younger Taehyung

Devil× human au

Bad sense of humour

Weekly update ( shhhh)

Vote and comments a lot, y'all lazy asses can't comment ?🙄

( I don't know what else to write so--).

He had his eyes closed tightly as his head was thrown back on the seat- well not usual seat , but anyways it's a seat ( 🙂 joy be serious !!!). Okay .

Fingers drum rapidly on the chair arms as he listen to the pathetic excuse of a creature ramblings on his knees infront of him , he was bored .too much bored.

But , how can a devil be bored in his own castle.

" Give me ten thousands reasons why you shouldn't regret going against my rule by visiting the mortal world ?" Snapping his head up with red eyes glaring down at the man- demon who was pathetically crying for his life , he knows he fucked up.

But it's work of the devil ,  hold up bitch?.

"It's devil work , I won't do it again my Lord" and the devil has never laugh out so hard until now , he has watched humans put the blames of their immoral acts on him , blame him for their acts but never has he ever imagine he'd see a creature , created by his own fire use him as an excuse.

Is he simple to these people?.

"Me ? I caused it !" Every single steps he take make the demon coward back , he was trembling under the red eyes that was burning through his soul , well he got no soul but whatever hoes.

With a snap of his fingers , scream of agony fill up the throne room and the demon was no where to be found the next second , he become one of the people they didn't live to tell the tales of devil.

The devil sighs , bringing one of his hands up to drag the rope hanging loosely on his body back to the proper state which it had slip off while stepping down , he was indeed a tempting sin.

A tempting sin full of sins.

He frown , when a loud bell rang through his ear once again , humans are making wishes or trying to summon him or even beg to his name .

He always listen , and laugh at their pathetic ass so once again , the corner of lips curl up into a smirk and he make himself comfortable on his throne again , all ready to listen to what his existence has cause to the humans again.

Oh dear devil- wait is you devil or Satan?

He chuckle at the human voice who was confused but nevertheless was so ready to summon him , be sure human!.

"Devil is the name , Satan just a nickname but well. Anyone goes" he move his lips in respond even tho , he knows noone can hear him. He usual does that anytime humans was requesting on his name , he reply on his throne which was useless because it won't get to them. He feels good knowing in his mind he didn't absolutely ignore their request.

The mortal voice continue anyways.

Whatever, listen . Oh dear Satan/devil , I come unto to you , please make mama forget about forcing me to go and interview and I will give you head, I know you don't have such enjoyment in your boring hell so please I will give you a head , plesse---

The devil brow twitch , not in amusement but confusion . The mortal is offering him a head for such simple request? A full human head ?.

People always call to request for power , money to those who believe he's their personal bank or soever humans call it , but a simple request with a human head ?.

"Brother?" He mumbled under his breath and just second a fog soon form revealing the figure of a man who was now staring at the devil with a questioning stare.

"What's giving me head means in humans language?"

And the new arrival choke.

The pretty male was sitting on his bathroom floor , loud bangs on his door but he refused to open it .

It's dangerous, the people outside are dangerous creatures , he won't be spare and he was too young to die .

He doesn't exactly understand why they're up in his ass but , he doesn't wish to find out too . He just keep praying silently until the banging on the door stops , he was about to sigh out in relief when he heard the door opening .

He should've call police , he shouldn't have understimate them . He's really going to die just like that ? What has he done to people of the world ?.

When he has done nothing but preach the equally of life to everyone but what does he get in return ? Death ! Painful death from dangerous creatures .

He wish he has tried to run away years ago , maybe then this phase in his life won't have be something he'd have to witness , that's it .the end of him.

He close his eyes tightly before taking his last breath and the next second the bathroom door was harshly push open follow right by a loud voice of dangerous creature .

"Kim fucking Taehyung!!!" He shriek loudly at the call of his name , he felt his body shaken to the core .he doesn't even commit enough sin to be call in that way , reason why he said dangerous creatures.

Those dangerous creatures are no one other than his mother , father and brother.

They'll be the death of him , he should've run away the moment he was able to walk on his feet at the age of two years . Then he won't have to survive the last extra twenty years with these monsters.

But here he's , at the age of twenty-two trying to fight the monsters of the family , he hates them.

"You think the toilet will save you ?" That's the voice of a psycho brother , the one that's nothing but bloody monster that wants to kill him.

If he doesn't want to kill him then why'd he set up a blind date for with a girl that's boring? How's going to survive without dying the second day.

And his mother ? , That woman is a witch Taehyung is really sure of that .

The reason she won't ever let him have a peaceful sleep without chanting out his name like she was summoning the dragons to earth.

Sleeping twenty-three hours out of twenty-four hours per day is too much ? , It is not but his mother believe it's .

That's why she submitted his files at a company who has now invited him for interview, he has ran away to pray to his dear devil hoping one earthquake will shakes their house so he won't have to attend the interview but guess devil wasn't so powerful as people says and the devil stories he has read are bunch of nonsense.

"I don't know how you're going to do it namjoon but I want him present at that interview. , Bring a sack , tie him and throw him into the sack before dragging him on the floor to the car booth then drive him to the company for interview" Taehyung eyes went wide at his father words , now that's the third and last monster of his family .

Taehyung doesn't want to say much as everyone can already sees the type of monster the man is by his words ?.

"D-dad" he tries but one glare was enough to shut him up.

"Your University still need to be arrested because I can never understand how you graduated !" Well talking about graduating , he also doesn't understand how it works but ...

Park jimin , knows.


Yeah , that's the first chapter

Sorry for mistakes

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